
Monday 19 September 2022


a video removed by youtube today... as having content against their rules!!

been up there 9 months


will have to reload...elsewhere


is reloaded here

Friday 25 March 2022

NOT A BLOG - just a moment in time

footnote 14 Nov 2022

In the channel refered to below there was a video made 13 March 22

It was removed by youtube. God only knows why. 

the censorship is real!

Here it is


 Just a few pages of interweb of lies and deceit. You have to start at the beginning - two pages back. December 2021.

Something else rather knocked their hype off the airwaves. Though Drakeford today is still trying to validate himself... (Today program hilarious) 

One more video made to end  the channel of some video i have yet to post. I even had a 'subscriber'? Well say something or i shan't make any more. 

Though there is a smallest 'twist' in that video waffle of 29 January had a part 1, 2 and 3. I only changed part 3 today today from 'private'  - though she saw it, the wonderful woman singing the song. I know. The 'views'. It was private only to her.  

Anyway only today did I hear that the law i assumed i had broken in the making of, was in fact not yet a law, until today. So it is uncloaked and appears out of the sequence of uploaded videos. Indeed says published today. Though was only changed from private to public today.

But you remember

Homeless Communist 13 March 2022 Smile and make jokes. They won. Forever. //20220313 103030

they won. this will again happen.

However..... how fascinating to see them, evolve....from waffly wongos to actually at last rather good rhetoricians and broadcasters....who mean it.

Bret and Heather 119th DarkHorse Podcast Livestream: An Epidemic of Sophistry

Sunday 13 March 2022

The end. Extinction


Homeless Communist 13 March 2022 Smile and make jokes. They won. Forever. //20220313 103030

Sunday 13 February 2022

to be continued VERY soon

NOT proof read yet pro loads typos... 

these pages to be edited soon - country folk use The GOOD weather ( extremely warm for time of year) as it has been to do country things, when bad weather returns then it is time to get back to screen based stuff).....extremely busy being an environmental operator - truly ensuring EVERYTHING is reused recycled,  as i reduce to the simplest existence possible-which is pure joy, and then planning work - long long aware necessary, on publishing some of the reality in regional extremely cynical wildlife crime.

Now the 'tone' is important. By which one means the interweb of lies and deceit is full of ranters who rant also at times in real life.
i do not. ever.

And anything i write online is always with a smile on face, and serenity in the fingers...

And even the 'enemy' in respect of a poor old woman whom many years ago one could see on a tube interview her music had not managed to cause her to be smiley and mellow in her old age...

or even more shock horror, my truly sublime find when i was a younger chappie, when no one else had heard of her in YUK.... 
she was so sour and ranty and angst ridden her laterday interviews showed, well, poor lamb took herself off to an early grave....

Thus proving AMERICA  did not .....'work' ....never mind their splendidly sublime lovely art....

so anyone that trusts ANY medical anything out of the land of the free nutjobs .... is nuts and may end up alongside Nanci we lost last year....

cos she lifestyled herself to death....

But you must never conflate the artist with her art.... even if she lost it entirely i still listen to the Joni well before dawn every day 365 / 05:20 UTC GMT... no matter what

cos its the lifestyle hymn...

plus how to not die of a minor bug

get the fuck up.....and then move all day.... no matter what although winter hibernation and 10 hrs asleep is part of being a genetically defined creature along with every other ferkin creature ever extant...

that is what we evolved to be...asleep in the winter more than summer so do it...unless you live in equatorial lands where you take precedence 

 the best example ever of TOTAL serenity always is that a week ago someone i do not know nor wish to due her copious amounts of flab...set about publicly attacking me on their dreadful facebook...

i do not even wish to get to the bottom of her fat bottom... but such insults and besmirchments appeared i am told that people in the vicinity may well have turned against me...i care about only one in fact a recent reencounter after a decade not encountering... but then a few others also will have seen her criminal slander [sic]...malicious communications [sic] and other general vomit she wrote and then others piled in ...about my ferrets....

now sublime poetry is when a few days later a man from the RSPCA turns up ... with criminal slander on his clipboard

and within 10 minutes, despite being homeless  he is asking me to be on their list as THE ferret rehomer for the area after mad sick people have tortured them...(he told me how..)

this is what you call poetry, or poetic justice....when in a few days i put huis email to me on their facebook madhouse...

But it is not a good idea to mess with me... as in the 00s for 5 years, i won then protected against the then Minister of Justice who named me in Parliament 4 years trying to 'reverse' it...... about the most famous civil rights / ECHR / freedom of speech case this century...

me against the lot of them..alone.. Sampson...won....(2004 - 5)... 2008 Jack straw 100 ....

as newspapers covered at great length...

and all of that was only done for LOVE... no one ever ever ever attacks either a child i love, or animal....

but the fightback is always done with a  genuine warm smile that always says " you con ALWAYS just say sorry and we forget.."

which is an into to I hAVE BEEN BUSY...

too busy to even come bCK AND PROOF READ  or correct when i have clipped the caps lock i have to typeso fast on a wonky keyboard...

but very very soon it gets improved..

however meanwhile you will never ever hear me moaning about being unroofed as i love sleeping under a tin roof... there is no more romantic thing...good for the soul the pitter patter of the rain

and if one is lucky enough to afford one the incomer yuppie lot jacked the prices up so much...a little wood burner warming you up corner of your shack...

but let us go December 2021 the most lovely year... or second most....20 the best ever!  post 2010...

Now being a freedom of speech supremo PLUS someone who... mmmmmm

(rit to the rhythm of the Joni)

i am so lethal i appeared a lot on the same official QC legal pages as my hero....

who....mmmm last week at last 'collusion' wazzzz 


ok on the same pages we  - Sean and I...had Mosely (nutter hookers) Dodi Al Fayed... mister Sir George Galloway... Phil Collins (oops) ...ehh all the most famous  words are good or bad cases... most of whom are forgettable by me but not by you - 'society' as they are almost all celebs except sean and i...

me the most prominent....

But i became of sorts a poet... because being famous is so dull...and all money just corrupts, all...

and writer of sometimes ok magical realism and Gabriel Garcia is my true hero...


even if i had the great english poet (after Kevin Coyne)  ... poor man he got lost up the cave of self pity up his own bottom, too...

Dave before he became pathetic.... and before he forgot how words twisted are so fuckin beautiful and glorious if delivered wth spirit....

or some of the greatest writing ever ...except these townies with all their 'bitter nights' and all that....

there is no such thing, the weather just fucking well 'is' the weather...

or.... except he gets let off " but strangely we settle down" no incomer nervy ex townie woman can ever understand its the settling down bit... thats what the cuntry side order of it, actually does..... if you love it

which is a preamble to 

unless there is a VERY good reason ...very.... even if i don't drink except at Corbynite levels of "xmas and weddings only" 

which is proof the world is mad cos  2,999 of those 3000 views are mine...####so few actually enjoy true soul... true beauty

i met her again recently....

one of a few...

now..... reason for post apart from the fact that someone is not going to know what hit her ....and her friends.... stage 1 has already been done....  several ultra gossips have been told.... oh yes i am a nasty cunt who knows others are, and thus if ever on official business,like waiting for RSPCA to visit...i prepare my voice recorder...

it is a beautiful dialogue... they can have that too.... he calls her a really nasty name...

but that is not enough for me. There must be beautiful and poetical justice. And that takes time to prepare...

especially as i have a tin roof. A new one... that is as stupidly beautiful and exactly what i wanted....always.

But... unlike 100% of every sybarite and 'beautiful people'  that come to regions like this straight up from a rehab in Notting Hill... on their trustifarian the local yoga and mindfulness queens can suck up to those romantic yurts... 
all on daddy's dosh...

him an international arms dealer or whatever makes even more money.

while they sit around the campfires smoking drugs and supping craft beer and pretending to be bohemians or rather pretending to be close to the 'earth'... daddy paid for or mummy dressed in Biba six foot under still fuming she got left out of aunty's will 100 years ago

i had to under the hardest ever ever get my foot in a  muddy bog belonging to someone else wo really doesn't like me ...... that is paradise.

to be continued....

but sadly i missed the boat. 


while everyone else has moaned or freaked or thought they are some science expert for nearly two years...
without once washing my hands,i continued....full steam 'causes'.... 

as i am a science expert as ALL experts have shown by recently catching up with me...

(many recordings from may 2020 as proof)

you do not farm 8 years at 1500 feet in N Wales or  breed the most lauded Southern Ferrits ever (supreme cup winners at NORTHERN shows....)  without knowing science, which is what farming, yields and animal welfare is....
not fuckin hocus pocus from some fat arsed woman "you are cruelly damaging your ferrits feeding them roadkill.." funny how Mr RSPCA said he would feed his ferrits only roadkill if he could get it.... a few days later into my recorder...

so i know about bugs, pathogens,

But as i started here also the superb Steve Martin book stuff on mind /body...real Fuckin science...very very hard stuff. 

ANyway i also hAPPEN TO KNOW WHAT FREEDOMOFSPEECH IS AS I ...ACCIDENTAL CAP...redefined a large chunk of the law on it...

of no interest to me nowadays except when it comes to they better eat humble pie in public, soon, to my face and camera or ...else... that said i dont believe in criminal or civil persecution so...we shall see...

i did care 2020 about FOS but then as so many were asked to join me as compaƱera   work on some local terrible wildlife crimes...and then also make some good material like i started messily December 2021

i discovered waste of time.... no one ever does what they say they will or care about so so so so so passionately...

in short i couldn't give a fig about a bug that kills folk average age 82.5 and 67% very very very fat....

i DID spend 2020 imploring nicely 5 or 6 fat friends of ine and even one who hates me as he is less smart than i am even if he works for radio 4 ...he insulted me in public getting the wrong end of the stick when i was j0king with my christian friends....  and he butted in his obese arse... so rudely...we remained great friends....such that i asked them to help rescue an old lady June 2020... a year after mister fat arse radio 4 presenter stuck his fat one in....

(i used to like him years ago  - face to face... me admired him immensely...before they had him by the balls too)


 ...causes.... she  - the first arrives today... off the hairyplane ...fromJFK...

.... the very best soul of the lot... there have been a lot...

a year ago offered exile sanctuary assylum...

one from Italy...two Germany... five yankyland...two Canada...

escape from the total nutter lost nutjobbery... arguably 'fascist'...

my oh my the absolute bullshit and fantasy waffle i have out up with...

the first was lovely Rachel the organiser of the yankee 'resistance'...  (ok yes i did fall for her as she knows).... the ten hour phone call ...Telegram has its uses...  the pure genius at organising enough batteries and other needs for that one and the best layby with 2 mb...before no roof... my last rook only ever had 100kb...

then the N Ireland lady in Italy rightly demanding choice - they went actual fascist 9 mths ago....


the total and utter mad fantasist bullshit i have had to put up with 666 hours talk email telegram whatsup....... i keep records.... if i knew where to find them (or more especially the lovely Rachel) i would bill the lot of them.... 

but then as i say i never take a corrupted all...

never mind the bullshit from... those who implored they would assist me...get the first refuge set up( a person involved him very damage by Corona - his obsession with the 'politics'drove him mad..) 

Anyway to my point:so a y6ear ago i started actually tree allegorical online story telling things...

allegorical in the way the language was used quite obviously to have  double meaning if anyone still understands that is art ...and can be lovely to do...especially as i was having happiest ever year 2020..

and at the same time imploring half a dozen once friends who have more or less same opinions to in an organised fashion group to say intelligent things... 

nope...every one bullshitted...wasted so much of my time it is daft...

so be it...

So of course a year ago we knew that it was easy to be censored deplatformed whatever.... and i was using allegory (no one knows of these places  - or no one else did until recently, except one beloved mask burner - Serge's mask in flames......sadly i will never see again i guess...)

but simply put it is obvious the battle has been 'won'even if 75% of my comment is utterly unique and will not ever be repeated as even McCullough is to thick never mind  Malone Rogan the lot of them....

i monitor them at times....ULTRA tragic hypochondriac Brett and Heather Weinstein doing ok..

(yank arriving today checked for NO use of ANY medications not even an asprin her whole life) 

blah blah....

anyway ALL of them...offered sanctuary all adamant they want it....bullshit except one..

who will get to see the most lovely setup soon imaginable...

and we will listen to a bit of the only musician whoever deserves listening to again ever  Mister Van...

and SHE can... takeover dealing with the times wasters and wafflers.... she is trained in it, brokered peace between warring Innuit tribes she was paid for by the government she was so good at it hahh hahhh! 

all i care about is my far more readable and poetical allegorical writing i havent had a moment to get back to...i will soon...

plus some more here ....

miscellaneous linkage to improve later: but they are ALL so narcissistic to understand you CANNOT rationalise with people in grief at loss of their safe bourgeois existence ... my yank gets this though....she is wise...

The Truth Exposed with Dr. Peter McCullough

117,565 views • 4 Feb 2022 • Dr. Peter McCullough is certainly a man on a mission….…

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Ivermectin trial, Oxford University

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Dr. John Campbell

Dr. John Campbell

2.21M subscribers


729,972 views • 9 Feb 2022 • Ivermectin Arm of PRINCIPLE Trial Put on Hold?…

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Dr. John Campbell

Dr. John Campbell

2.21M subscribers




#MattBilinsky #PeterMcCullough #JoeRogan

A Conversation with Dr. Peter McCullough after his Joe Rogan Interview | The Prevailing Narrative

67,048 views • Premiered on 21 Jan 2022 • Stream the FULL EPISODE + more at https:

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Cavalry Audio


BA 2 Omicron progresses

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Dr. John Campbell

2.21M subscribers





Monday 7 February 2022

 and slight change of plan.... having had such a truly wonderful winter - every moment of it... especially the messages of i don't know what from the adorable and true warrior for the poor.. The Sprout... and even seeing an old once beloved face... and then so many new friends....who always fake their help hahh hahhh... and even him yesterday he calls me and signs of with his  " love you"  despite 25 hrs spent on his citizens advice - i give great simple advice on getting off the disability pay they all fake the need for... nope waste of my time... they all have personality disorders i long ago knew

"love you" is so cheap especially when youve just been told you get a freebie ....of no interest to me ever any local person.

But i do have a few raggedy sites all on the same theme really the last 7 ish years... complete and total wasteland of atomisation, and in truth a reversion to feudal and Victorian  type policies of in truth off your cap to some nowadays more likely to be absinthe addicted silly old man or woman who inherited the land....and make fake articles for the press about how super eco friendly they are... one lives just down the road from my fave parkup spot...

anyway ... there will be just a little ore here that weaves together a few of those other sites... 

because i have had the second happiest wintyer ever....

and that means i do owe society something - a bit more truth.

Especially as i have indeed secured it would seem at least one, probably two foreign collaborators who are getting exile here from masks and nonsense.. they may indeed in time be able to help as companeras...

just help maybe stage some little films must =be made especially on truth of the environment...

in other words while every tosser (including all my own so called 'friends' ) have been moaning and stuck in self pity  - despite the majority being worth at least 500k... £.....  i have indeed been 'reaching out' across the world the last 9 months offering exile asylum or just a spare bedroom or tent and a good legal brain as to their dozens who have been bleating endlessly about their desperate fear they will be tied down and force jabbed...

NONE of whom ever even have the manners to state clearly " ahh thanks for the 20 or more hours of your time [sometimes 50+] corresponding video calling etc etc etc ..  on what is the legal reality there... yes i see despite me fighting you having watched too much of Del Bigboy's overhyped often were indeed right...   but i have changed my mind...or maybe i was fantasising in tnhe first place... my head ruined too like everyone else who uses the interweb of lies and deceit for more than about an hour a day...DAY..not  clear obvious health benefits i have a superb chronicle of... one day it will be set free... 

as i would state often to the first true covid fraudster ... May 2020 )she must go now)...

"luv... es i know that your lies a whole year about setting up eco institute... butying 15 acres with the inherited money...rather than the most horrid twee dump cottage ever... i diverted 375 hours into trying to help you realise your WET dream....... but luv... you will never understand the poetry in it all... had i not met you what wasit ... mid april 2020 sat at the river reading Tolstoy last a again...  even if you the number one lost liar in history... but excellent on "fuck this... i will never wash my hands either...  country people dont do that neurotic nonsense and thus are...healthier the science says..."  it doesnt matter none of it matters except the time you wasted and you cannot yourself live that - be that... 

nor...understand the mad poetry in everything  unless you listen to a bit of Bob...not enough Bob in your life ... Surrey roots dont allow yes we all knew that decades ago...(simply astonishing at least 50% of new friends - loads of them...except a friend is loyal and dependable no matter what, always, so i have none in truth..) 

anyway the number one fraudster in history ...  was nevertheless a catalyst... April 2020 "well ok ...ONE person is willing to sit down and have a chat  by a style... without any disinfectant in sight...maybe i will hunt down some others cos this weather is so fucking perfect week after week may be nice to have one of those fabulous Borisian bubbles NO OTHER COUNTRY ALLOWED !!!!  recent research has discovered how lovely) ..maybe there is one other person in the country who isnt a fraudster and actually likes to BE in nature rather than put pictures on facebook or say it on dating sites...only...

Anyway even if i am more of a truly elitist

music person at heart sort of ...

I mean the first fraudster April 2020 is directly responsible for me ending up at my new hymn sort of ... 

 which should have a billion views as she was better than Minnie...  sorry that may be white racist piggery but i have listened to the good Minnie a million times and the Tammy at least ten thousand... 

And its close but... whitey gets it... 

But then... to have found indeed have given... the world given a new poetical genius hidden away over thrity fuckin years....

et free.... "oh fuck were all gonna die if you think like Joni... let it out for

i mean fuckit world paradise especially if you are an African without such a compromised immune system all these whitey chemicals and i bet they're all sat round the campfire making great jokes

what true paradise ...

i personally want Boris dead, indeed all 'covid researcgh group' dead (which as a pacifist means put in a cage with Starmer, or Thingummy Long Bailey for life...or even worse with Drakeford and drakeford only gets fed if he does 5 hr speeches on how DIFFERENT he is... for life...) 

 I want the Chinese chappie in charge and lockdowns and more and more and more restrictions for ever... planes out of the sky again including the SAS who have massively expanded of late why i must leave this horrid county...

and the best thing of all no coppers or whatever else they may have needed to 'police' rural places like mine where i for one just got on as before...but better (May 2020) ... happily would have every second over and over...

indeed would prefer that as i do know one thing... the spirit and soul of so so so many have been utterly poisoned by the last few years ... and i do have wonderful evidence of just that... i care about what they did... even if ...

well ....another day

soon...when several waffling sites i shall introduce to each other without any quarantine distancing any more or masking.. which for several years - nothing to do with new pathogens, only to do with time immemorial REALITY of the nastiness of the middle and upper middle classes.......tis time to let ALL out... and when i do true danger - treal pain...may ensue..

or maybe i shall just go camping in Norway or Belgium or... Germany even if i love the sunshine always...

Saturday 5 February 2022



but poor man... the conceit at the so so certainty now superstardom a million views a day it seems....

the complete and utter paucity....see video diatribe one or whatever maybe three or five...



sleep.... a nation that doesn't....


sweat.... ditto.... outdoors in good uv and then up in the hills regularly ...even in the bracken that's 'cardio' too... (i think we can safely say when people started to show off using that 'c' word all sanity started to leave by their rear end)

recreational or just using a lot of non prescription or grey market chemicals in gob...  a hell of a lot more than official stats allows...


we can add genuinely awful nose ‘stress’ ... bad air pollution... pretty suspicious water in many regions...


but then even i forgot – because in even this last 2 months the endless fundamentalist lost egomaniacal lost children still chip away even though they profess to be on the same side...face to face this is...

it is exhausting... they always wish to go off on clever tangents....and even i forget the one fundamental matter that maybe affects natural immunity more than any other, that for YEARS reports studies and clear science had been coming out that EVERY new ‘product’ from  a carpet to fridge to sofa to car to clothing to pillowcase to....almost all of it is so steeped in rather potent chemicals that the average home with new things in it is actually emitting these chemicals in trace elements for years... and that is before we look into the average bathroom shelf or kitchen cabinet crammed with products with one or other chemical...(mine zero... bully for me) .all which add up to a lot of traces... that are well known to have unknowable effects but guessable as fuckin terrible....on the immune and other systems...


So maybe in=not in that last video but where differences between peoples (nations) is on the table...well if it is an African or South American table it is far less likely to be coated in volatile quite pokey maybe THAT is ‘why’ there appears to be more ‘ natural immunity’  (i.e “it has spread like a wildfire through bongo bongo land..”  walls of mud huts not as good as our jolly good union jack stencilled  bricks n mortar”) in countries which could not afford the vaccines....


It is almost entirely entirely impossible to maker any genuine comparison between any place where the culture or to be less PC and just say the people haven’t been part destroyed by the products of so called ‘civilisation’ they get very stressed at the notion of not being able to afford in the future (grief that is...loss...of the entitlement to always affording it all no matter what)



 Funny...will idiotic arrogant political correctness ever allow anyone to state parroting me about April 2020 “  methinks there is a rather a lot in  certain lifestyles... the whole equation of it that is... that means far more in certain places with similar ways are going to have a harder time with a new bug..”

If i die of exhaustion there should be a photo here of a page from this awful new same old narcissistic bullshit paper being handed out The Light

Of an article about why Japan has far less covid...

Some clever dick analysis of certain aspects of personality in the face of authority...


When it could be that they just eat tons more fuckin wonderfully natural relatively clean sea originating FISH...!!!!!!  especially the oily ones that almost all our absurdly infantilised children turn their noses up at....and  a LOT less sugar....

But that is far too simple and real a reason which also points the finger straight back at fussy fatties ...back here.

afterword, afterword...

 except that is the point, it isn't 'after' anything it should have been in the very first video waffle...(of mine)

this isn't it...yet...

 from today, live on set: ehhhhhh

now, living rurally with once more about 5 tons of fencing materials salvaged over the years to be a good green person - reuse... wire netting for animals never mind a bit of furniture and 2000 books...

there is always some 'excuse'... "it's raining..." ehh today one of the warmest February light rain 'storms;' I have ever known.... but will the suggested helpers help...
funny how it is the third text always of their little flurry where it fizzles... #2 is about where a box of ==r 5 of books could live for a few weeks prior final sorting... but then #3 is vague and suggest whoopwhoop i mam  mate who owes you and will of course help..." but then there is a funny little cliff edge pause almost... that magically stops the 4th text replying to my number 3 ... "ok then i have so much stuff to haul today maybe i can drop by later when go get a pastie...unless you are passing [on the one road in the region]... chuck in back of yours..." and if the texter is female never ever ever ever does text #4 come...
and i cannot be tried for 'isogeny' as this is a fact out of my wonderfully full and frank and funny diaries from many  a year...about 15 in fact. And is why 5the good life or REAL version of rural lands never works any more. Men get so tired from never ever ever having any help or even company.... even when they have done tons for others not asking for anything in 'return'...
of course...well who knows what they are up to rather than doing the ONLY thing that is required to make rural fringe areas viable...

getting fundamentalist online i guess...or by messaging app...

And that is a cleverdickerism for... its so apparent that even the previously at times balanced ones can never ever ever change their STANCE-  it cannot be classed as 'opinion' as it is a physical thing either gender ... there is a sort of battle readiness to every conversation.... 
so does one of the greatest books of the last century apply? probably not... as they aren't fundamentalists they are just lost children in grief and fair dinkum call a spade a spade and have only empathy for the total inability to see anything...

especially poor John....ok on quick reference to raw trustworthyish statistical  data on certain simpler matters but perfect example....

Friday 4 February 2022

one last added bonus afterword.....even if myself and others close were saying it 18 months ago.


i don't is all so so so dull and then the tin foil hat brigade have so many clever theories... but i have glanced at a few interesting new 'converts'  - the extremely conformist and 'safe'never mentioned covid before

  Dr ..Oxfordian, telly  zoologist

has at last twigged... the science is bizarre


ahhahhh update saturday 5 feb morning...having shared a post elating to the official data in thehighwire episode below showing people are more likely to be diagnosed with a bug after a vaccination she had featured a few days ago ...i see the post as been removed.... 

it was a link t a GB news channel presentation i dont watch GB news but er friends do.... she was happy to show t until...what someone said they will take away their donation money? none of my business but that's WHY i need to get away from places like this forever....she was a trusted source of some facts in the past... little truth, just business.


never mind there seems to be GOVERNMENT 'evidence' in the stats that one if more likely to test positive 'get covid' if vaccinated...its crystal clear see - from about twenty minutes in where even rather spivvy self promoting Delboy  actually starts to settle down and do quite a good job of talking through the actual FACTUAL DATA ...from a government...

 ...and others have circulated this actual raw data as well

to be slightly continued. Just for posterity.

But 'posterity' is incomplete without the context - and the context is for years such terribly poor self regarding rhetoric

Dr John...

doing a fair job but he is no radical and believes in his medical interventions.. 

BUT...he needed to sit back, roll up an organic smoke, stare into the camera... pause...for at least half a minute...

and somehow without 'offending' the relatives of those who went on a little earlier than they may otherwise 

take a big deep breath and for effect somehow make a point in saying with GREAT RHETORIC skills  - trying harder to have them.....

"eighty two and a half...  eighty twio and a half... now even a schoolkid in about class whatever it is for 7 year olds can do basic averages... eighty two and a half...  average age of 'covid' death for a bloke... circle it....

.....AVERAGE AGE FOR DYING, blokes, all less than that number ... eehh we seems to have 'something' that can only be described as a CULTURAL phenomenon... because statistically it doesn't actually....exist.."

or even better words to that effect..


she on the other hand does exist....

so i think i shall have my fantasies firmly based in actual science of something REAL

ANY Interest in collaborating on rewriting or rejigging some of this into better material which should be done even if the HOUSING pandemic plague of ow impossibility to find affordable accommodation anywhere in The Marches is far more interesting than bugs... ( i have been 6 years working on trying to get a few locals to get involved in a community land trust scheme but all you get is derided (i am writing a book on it... soon)   band it is a truly interesting tale... still ongoing

please phone and talk human to human...

I am always up 05.30 365 days a year and love a call... dont so love emails as they always fizzle to nothing ..


HOWEVER... all expressed and related here in these pages is simply for posterically (joke word flip you gotta LAUGH at it all)  chronicling i care about the universal right of free speech... indeed dedicated years of my life to that. and paid huge fuckin be it...

i have every conversation about the matters above  since may 2020 recorded...  the conversations with regional contemporaries many dozen chats... 

EVERY single thing i shared with folk (face to face or on the pho0ne in chats)  from May 2020 has come true in the data and science  - except the mind/body interaction as that takes decades to even begin to quantify...

HOWEVER... i applied my own 'cure' - see earlier videos on it all to so much healthy outdoor walking cycling...VERY LITTLE computer use..

or balanced to a few hours a day in early morning, at most.

and above all went out spring 29020 and made many many new friends and took up new roles...

even had  a totally 'illegal' girls riding club in the local hills i set up from autumn 2020 that lead to the HAPPIEST WINTER EVER last year..

myself.... i have never had a healthier and happier period of life  from  April 2020...

i PERSIONALLY wish the whole lovely slow down and maybe focus into a rethink on what matters in our society (that never happened!)  would have continued forever...

and i only hate one thing myself...being miss quoted or having wrong assumptions made about me...  smileything

And furthermore there is always  ALWAYS a silver lining... one of man in my real life is that after 8 years of almost zero phone signal being out and about i no longer have that problem... not that anyone in rural lands uses them to communicate propper... but that's another story. But i would not have even been able to upload my awful video waffling had i not had to teach myself all the not very smart things of a smartphone to use withy all this lovely new signal in my life... that i know does little good for man or dog...

Tuesday 1 February 2022

 oh woe is me.... only because at last having a month on discovered how to turn on spell checker, because the 'designers' of all the platforms have such city neurode disorder they must change it every three weeks - where the buttons are, it is a joke of a nightmare ever doing anything online any more and all my many typos make me look like i have had every disorder in their dictionary... funny thing is Google spell check - i thought all these anti this and thaters said it was all a bigtech conspiracy! well google blogger spellcheck doesn't have 'covid' in it's dictionary yet  - it gives it a red (misspelled) squiggle... they're  a bit disorganised and inefficient to say the least if they invented it all ...

The Exodus

  And this one is not part of 'it' except is the only one that actually matters.

In that whilst i doodle here and there in a few online portals - never ever promoted via any other website and never ever do i waste one second googling any "traction" i may have, to use another of their silly horrid technoTeletubbie words, i write only for myself and the fairies. And occasionally email a url or two to someone i have thought may be valuable. I probably went mad too and am wrong - no one any use ever. Everyone even more stuck than ever. 


Silly bad journalists hyping everything of course missed that in reality their own domestic administration in their own country in REALITY gave up almost all rules some time ago.  Quite rightly. As has

In fact i had a look at Novara moaning media last night and how interesting even if Mr Starmer and co and every so called green egalitarian spokesperson had turned into use covid in any way possible to politicise their wrongheaded bad rhetoric, Novara haven't even mentioned covid almost a month...  they haven't of course released an "its over, never was that big a deal" video of course just in case their kind can see a cheap way of getting customers in via it in the future...

As the local elderly off duty  copper i met up here at the next style up  from this one (pictured)  mid May 2020  -  peak ultra freak out ‘lockdown’, made it quite quite clear to me sat there,  him watching the sunset one evening at least two hours out from his abode.... “no one should care if WE are wandering our lovely hills all day... bollocks to their neurotic city people rules.... “

But that is not any interest of mine. My only interest since mid April 2020 is that i happen to live somewhere were there are very many adorable styles like the above, up in the hills - an hour amble from a small village nearby with safe parking or a lovely campsite nearby, or even  a few houses i am known at where spare rooms were always available for someone with a brain, wishing to spend some great time ASIDE all the neurosis...and amble around some styles.... 

They don’t have to have appended themselves to me.  Though self interest was an occasional tripod holding person would have been useful. Because i do do a little filmic stuff elsewhere that i know is quite good. And brave. As it is about the virtual fascists that greedily damage lands and wildlife around and about, even here. And it gets so so tedious standing around just me and a selfie stick. 


There we go... what a gorgeous period of discovery: every single one of dozens of folk engaged with over nearly two years them stating they would love some walking in the hills, time 'aside' the bullshit; maybe even collaborate in a few wonderful healthy outdoor animal focused projects i had ongoing, and never ever ever in any way their money involved stated at outset,  is a lying mad bullshitter...


pity them all.


Because they will never get up to these lovely styles ... far too busy spinning more lying yarns about their (fake) homespun little existences on their absurd Instragrams and less so facebooks (usually only affordable on southern money - tons of it....and a husband still stealing money from everyone via the city of London or some other such bullshit factory such as consultations to health or other 'industries' ... they can never quite forget exists)




 and just forgetting all of this cant and vanity and every word online being a lie, except from me,  was the fantasy of another deluded user...  so be it. 

Knowing where the goalposts actually are is always the only source of a quiet mind, and actually real centeredness and peace...


End of sermon... bollocks to all. No one ever ever ever for a millisecond takes from my enjoyment of my styles... hopefully soon to be uprooted to another warmer region. Or maybe Norway...or....  


processing ALL of ones shit is terribly good for the soul. Especially the absolutely  tragicest ever ever ever stuff and turning it into sort of 'art' ...(elsewhere)... for my reader or viewer to chuck rotten fruit at, is freedom. 

Or maybe she has changed her mind.....
Oh i did so so love my 2020....

Me and the copper met only once.... so few up there in the hills, me taking Tammy for a walk.... so often. 
road testing her up in the hills.  You had to be there 
but  then no one else could ever be there
god only knows why their faerie dust keeps them farting around with their silly phones in city parks..when they could have just walked for a few more miles and made it somewhere nice....
no people around
Funny thing i was just thinking yesterday about Miss, BETTERthan Minnie...
And that is real discovery...and pleasure.

still just a few short audio recordings to weave in to earlier posts.... later

But really why to Exodus. 
Aside. For good.
Because none of your absurd poets or moaners or writers can see
 the evil poignancy.
Sat at eight am in a parking spot by a local beauty spot riverbridge.
All of a sudden the cars - all status cars even here.
Alphas, bigguns... "Pickup" this and that the fashion now.
At fifty k 
Even here the pickup, for the private school 20 miles yonder.
So what, accept it, that is life. They won. They own it.

But then one young fella steps out of his mother's Merc, shirt tail flapping. 
Bit of a jack the lad perhaps. Bit of a free spirit. One of the funnier ones.

Ambles up to the parked up minibus, private school name emblazoned on the side. Awaiting.
And down steps some old thing, his mask so pulled up high
at his eyes.
 it is amazing he could see the step and not tumble down.
Their driver.
'masked up' so up it was frightening even to me. 
And there he has it not a smile and howdy but the now ubiquitous large (will be expensive brand of course, expensive school) of " have a good squirt of this before up you come" except he will not have even said that, just a greeting too hard to bear any more for them behind their cloth.

And they certainly wont bear the notion a little more than a notion a year ago or a little more ago that all these lotions never did a whiff of good. 
The fuckin thing at least has the sense to stay more or less air
Get in only through the gob.

Time to shut mine forever.
And i shall not post that so so tragic image even if it kindof sums it all up.
Suppose someone will complain on health and safety grounds or whatever bolshie nonsense  everyone wishes to impose on everyone else these days, just because they...can.

Well, i can
 indeed, go.