
Sunday 13 February 2022

to be continued VERY soon

NOT proof read yet pro loads typos... 

these pages to be edited soon - country folk use The GOOD weather ( extremely warm for time of year) as it has been to do country things, when bad weather returns then it is time to get back to screen based stuff).....extremely busy being an environmental operator - truly ensuring EVERYTHING is reused recycled,  as i reduce to the simplest existence possible-which is pure joy, and then planning work - long long aware necessary, on publishing some of the reality in regional extremely cynical wildlife crime.

Now the 'tone' is important. By which one means the interweb of lies and deceit is full of ranters who rant also at times in real life.
i do not. ever.

And anything i write online is always with a smile on face, and serenity in the fingers...

And even the 'enemy' in respect of a poor old woman whom many years ago one could see on a tube interview her music had not managed to cause her to be smiley and mellow in her old age...

or even more shock horror, my truly sublime find when i was a younger chappie, when no one else had heard of her in YUK.... 
she was so sour and ranty and angst ridden her laterday interviews showed, well, poor lamb took herself off to an early grave....

Thus proving AMERICA  did not .....'work' ....never mind their splendidly sublime lovely art....

so anyone that trusts ANY medical anything out of the land of the free nutjobs .... is nuts and may end up alongside Nanci we lost last year....

cos she lifestyled herself to death....

But you must never conflate the artist with her art.... even if she lost it entirely i still listen to the Joni well before dawn every day 365 / 05:20 UTC GMT... no matter what

cos its the lifestyle hymn...

plus how to not die of a minor bug

get the fuck up.....and then move all day.... no matter what although winter hibernation and 10 hrs asleep is part of being a genetically defined creature along with every other ferkin creature ever extant...

that is what we evolved to be...asleep in the winter more than summer so do it...unless you live in equatorial lands where you take precedence 

 the best example ever of TOTAL serenity always is that a week ago someone i do not know nor wish to due her copious amounts of flab...set about publicly attacking me on their dreadful facebook...

i do not even wish to get to the bottom of her fat bottom... but such insults and besmirchments appeared i am told that people in the vicinity may well have turned against me...i care about only one in fact a recent reencounter after a decade not encountering... but then a few others also will have seen her criminal slander [sic]...malicious communications [sic] and other general vomit she wrote and then others piled in ...about my ferrets....

now sublime poetry is when a few days later a man from the RSPCA turns up ... with criminal slander on his clipboard

and within 10 minutes, despite being homeless  he is asking me to be on their list as THE ferret rehomer for the area after mad sick people have tortured them...(he told me how..)

this is what you call poetry, or poetic justice....when in a few days i put huis email to me on their facebook madhouse...

But it is not a good idea to mess with me... as in the 00s for 5 years, i won then protected against the then Minister of Justice who named me in Parliament 4 years trying to 'reverse' it...... about the most famous civil rights / ECHR / freedom of speech case this century...

me against the lot of them..alone.. Sampson...won....(2004 - 5)... 2008 Jack straw 100 ....

as newspapers covered at great length...

and all of that was only done for LOVE... no one ever ever ever attacks either a child i love, or animal....

but the fightback is always done with a  genuine warm smile that always says " you con ALWAYS just say sorry and we forget.."

which is an into to I hAVE BEEN BUSY...

too busy to even come bCK AND PROOF READ  or correct when i have clipped the caps lock i have to typeso fast on a wonky keyboard...

but very very soon it gets improved..

however meanwhile you will never ever hear me moaning about being unroofed as i love sleeping under a tin roof... there is no more romantic thing...good for the soul the pitter patter of the rain

and if one is lucky enough to afford one the incomer yuppie lot jacked the prices up so much...a little wood burner warming you up corner of your shack...

but let us go December 2021 the most lovely year... or second most....20 the best ever!  post 2010...

Now being a freedom of speech supremo PLUS someone who... mmmmmm

(rit to the rhythm of the Joni)

i am so lethal i appeared a lot on the same official QC legal pages as my hero....

who....mmmm last week at last 'collusion' wazzzz 


ok on the same pages we  - Sean and I...had Mosely (nutter hookers) Dodi Al Fayed... mister Sir George Galloway... Phil Collins (oops) ...ehh all the most famous  words are good or bad cases... most of whom are forgettable by me but not by you - 'society' as they are almost all celebs except sean and i...

me the most prominent....

But i became of sorts a poet... because being famous is so dull...and all money just corrupts, all...

and writer of sometimes ok magical realism and Gabriel Garcia is my true hero...


even if i had the great english poet (after Kevin Coyne)  ... poor man he got lost up the cave of self pity up his own bottom, too...

Dave before he became pathetic.... and before he forgot how words twisted are so fuckin beautiful and glorious if delivered wth spirit....

or some of the greatest writing ever ...except these townies with all their 'bitter nights' and all that....

there is no such thing, the weather just fucking well 'is' the weather...

or.... except he gets let off " but strangely we settle down" no incomer nervy ex townie woman can ever understand its the settling down bit... thats what the cuntry side order of it, actually does..... if you love it

which is a preamble to 

unless there is a VERY good reason ...very.... even if i don't drink except at Corbynite levels of "xmas and weddings only" 

which is proof the world is mad cos  2,999 of those 3000 views are mine...####so few actually enjoy true soul... true beauty

i met her again recently....

one of a few...

now..... reason for post apart from the fact that someone is not going to know what hit her ....and her friends.... stage 1 has already been done....  several ultra gossips have been told.... oh yes i am a nasty cunt who knows others are, and thus if ever on official business,like waiting for RSPCA to visit...i prepare my voice recorder...

it is a beautiful dialogue... they can have that too.... he calls her a really nasty name...

but that is not enough for me. There must be beautiful and poetical justice. And that takes time to prepare...

especially as i have a tin roof. A new one... that is as stupidly beautiful and exactly what i wanted....always.

But... unlike 100% of every sybarite and 'beautiful people'  that come to regions like this straight up from a rehab in Notting Hill... on their trustifarian the local yoga and mindfulness queens can suck up to those romantic yurts... 
all on daddy's dosh...

him an international arms dealer or whatever makes even more money.

while they sit around the campfires smoking drugs and supping craft beer and pretending to be bohemians or rather pretending to be close to the 'earth'... daddy paid for or mummy dressed in Biba six foot under still fuming she got left out of aunty's will 100 years ago

i had to under the hardest ever ever get my foot in a  muddy bog belonging to someone else wo really doesn't like me ...... that is paradise.

to be continued....

but sadly i missed the boat. 


while everyone else has moaned or freaked or thought they are some science expert for nearly two years...
without once washing my hands,i continued....full steam 'causes'.... 

as i am a science expert as ALL experts have shown by recently catching up with me...

(many recordings from may 2020 as proof)

you do not farm 8 years at 1500 feet in N Wales or  breed the most lauded Southern Ferrits ever (supreme cup winners at NORTHERN shows....)  without knowing science, which is what farming, yields and animal welfare is....
not fuckin hocus pocus from some fat arsed woman "you are cruelly damaging your ferrits feeding them roadkill.." funny how Mr RSPCA said he would feed his ferrits only roadkill if he could get it.... a few days later into my recorder...

so i know about bugs, pathogens,

But as i started here also the superb Steve Martin book stuff on mind /body...real Fuckin science...very very hard stuff. 

ANyway i also hAPPEN TO KNOW WHAT FREEDOMOFSPEECH IS AS I ...ACCIDENTAL CAP...redefined a large chunk of the law on it...

of no interest to me nowadays except when it comes to they better eat humble pie in public, soon, to my face and camera or ...else... that said i dont believe in criminal or civil persecution so...we shall see...

i did care 2020 about FOS but then as so many were asked to join me as compaƱera   work on some local terrible wildlife crimes...and then also make some good material like i started messily December 2021

i discovered waste of time.... no one ever does what they say they will or care about so so so so so passionately...

in short i couldn't give a fig about a bug that kills folk average age 82.5 and 67% very very very fat....

i DID spend 2020 imploring nicely 5 or 6 fat friends of ine and even one who hates me as he is less smart than i am even if he works for radio 4 ...he insulted me in public getting the wrong end of the stick when i was j0king with my christian friends....  and he butted in his obese arse... so rudely...we remained great friends....such that i asked them to help rescue an old lady June 2020... a year after mister fat arse radio 4 presenter stuck his fat one in....

(i used to like him years ago  - face to face... me admired him immensely...before they had him by the balls too)


 ...causes.... she  - the first arrives today... off the hairyplane ...fromJFK...

.... the very best soul of the lot... there have been a lot...

a year ago offered exile sanctuary assylum...

one from Italy...two Germany... five yankyland...two Canada...

escape from the total nutter lost nutjobbery... arguably 'fascist'...

my oh my the absolute bullshit and fantasy waffle i have out up with...

the first was lovely Rachel the organiser of the yankee 'resistance'...  (ok yes i did fall for her as she knows).... the ten hour phone call ...Telegram has its uses...  the pure genius at organising enough batteries and other needs for that one and the best layby with 2 mb...before no roof... my last rook only ever had 100kb...

then the N Ireland lady in Italy rightly demanding choice - they went actual fascist 9 mths ago....


the total and utter mad fantasist bullshit i have had to put up with 666 hours talk email telegram whatsup....... i keep records.... if i knew where to find them (or more especially the lovely Rachel) i would bill the lot of them.... 

but then as i say i never take a corrupted all...

never mind the bullshit from... those who implored they would assist me...get the first refuge set up( a person involved him very damage by Corona - his obsession with the 'politics'drove him mad..) 

Anyway to my point:so a y6ear ago i started actually tree allegorical online story telling things...

allegorical in the way the language was used quite obviously to have  double meaning if anyone still understands that is art ...and can be lovely to do...especially as i was having happiest ever year 2020..

and at the same time imploring half a dozen once friends who have more or less same opinions to in an organised fashion group to say intelligent things... 

nope...every one bullshitted...wasted so much of my time it is daft...

so be it...

So of course a year ago we knew that it was easy to be censored deplatformed whatever.... and i was using allegory (no one knows of these places  - or no one else did until recently, except one beloved mask burner - Serge's mask in flames......sadly i will never see again i guess...)

but simply put it is obvious the battle has been 'won'even if 75% of my comment is utterly unique and will not ever be repeated as even McCullough is to thick never mind  Malone Rogan the lot of them....

i monitor them at times....ULTRA tragic hypochondriac Brett and Heather Weinstein doing ok..

(yank arriving today checked for NO use of ANY medications not even an asprin her whole life) 

blah blah....

anyway ALL of them...offered sanctuary all adamant they want it....bullshit except one..

who will get to see the most lovely setup soon imaginable...

and we will listen to a bit of the only musician whoever deserves listening to again ever  Mister Van...

and SHE can... takeover dealing with the times wasters and wafflers.... she is trained in it, brokered peace between warring Innuit tribes she was paid for by the government she was so good at it hahh hahhh! 

all i care about is my far more readable and poetical allegorical writing i havent had a moment to get back to...i will soon...

plus some more here ....

miscellaneous linkage to improve later: but they are ALL so narcissistic to understand you CANNOT rationalise with people in grief at loss of their safe bourgeois existence ... my yank gets this though....she is wise...

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