
Saturday 5 February 2022



but poor man... the conceit at the so so certainty now superstardom a million views a day it seems....

the complete and utter paucity....see video diatribe one or whatever maybe three or five...



sleep.... a nation that doesn't....


sweat.... ditto.... outdoors in good uv and then up in the hills regularly ...even in the bracken that's 'cardio' too... (i think we can safely say when people started to show off using that 'c' word all sanity started to leave by their rear end)

recreational or just using a lot of non prescription or grey market chemicals in gob...  a hell of a lot more than official stats allows...


we can add genuinely awful nose ‘stress’ ... bad air pollution... pretty suspicious water in many regions...


but then even i forgot – because in even this last 2 months the endless fundamentalist lost egomaniacal lost children still chip away even though they profess to be on the same side...face to face this is...

it is exhausting... they always wish to go off on clever tangents....and even i forget the one fundamental matter that maybe affects natural immunity more than any other, that for YEARS reports studies and clear science had been coming out that EVERY new ‘product’ from  a carpet to fridge to sofa to car to clothing to pillowcase to....almost all of it is so steeped in rather potent chemicals that the average home with new things in it is actually emitting these chemicals in trace elements for years... and that is before we look into the average bathroom shelf or kitchen cabinet crammed with products with one or other chemical...(mine zero... bully for me) .all which add up to a lot of traces... that are well known to have unknowable effects but guessable as fuckin terrible....on the immune and other systems...


So maybe in=not in that last video but where differences between peoples (nations) is on the table...well if it is an African or South American table it is far less likely to be coated in volatile quite pokey maybe THAT is ‘why’ there appears to be more ‘ natural immunity’  (i.e “it has spread like a wildfire through bongo bongo land..”  walls of mud huts not as good as our jolly good union jack stencilled  bricks n mortar”) in countries which could not afford the vaccines....


It is almost entirely entirely impossible to maker any genuine comparison between any place where the culture or to be less PC and just say the people haven’t been part destroyed by the products of so called ‘civilisation’ they get very stressed at the notion of not being able to afford in the future (grief that is...loss...of the entitlement to always affording it all no matter what)



 Funny...will idiotic arrogant political correctness ever allow anyone to state parroting me about April 2020 “  methinks there is a rather a lot in  certain lifestyles... the whole equation of it that is... that means far more in certain places with similar ways are going to have a harder time with a new bug..”

If i die of exhaustion there should be a photo here of a page from this awful new same old narcissistic bullshit paper being handed out The Light

Of an article about why Japan has far less covid...

Some clever dick analysis of certain aspects of personality in the face of authority...


When it could be that they just eat tons more fuckin wonderfully natural relatively clean sea originating FISH...!!!!!!  especially the oily ones that almost all our absurdly infantilised children turn their noses up at....and  a LOT less sugar....

But that is far too simple and real a reason which also points the finger straight back at fussy fatties ...back here.