
Friday 4 February 2022

one last added bonus afterword.....even if myself and others close were saying it 18 months ago.


i don't is all so so so dull and then the tin foil hat brigade have so many clever theories... but i have glanced at a few interesting new 'converts'  - the extremely conformist and 'safe'never mentioned covid before

  Dr ..Oxfordian, telly  zoologist

has at last twigged... the science is bizarre


ahhahhh update saturday 5 feb morning...having shared a post elating to the official data in thehighwire episode below showing people are more likely to be diagnosed with a bug after a vaccination she had featured a few days ago ...i see the post as been removed.... 

it was a link t a GB news channel presentation i dont watch GB news but er friends do.... she was happy to show t until...what someone said they will take away their donation money? none of my business but that's WHY i need to get away from places like this forever....she was a trusted source of some facts in the past... little truth, just business.


never mind there seems to be GOVERNMENT 'evidence' in the stats that one if more likely to test positive 'get covid' if vaccinated...its crystal clear see - from about twenty minutes in where even rather spivvy self promoting Delboy  actually starts to settle down and do quite a good job of talking through the actual FACTUAL DATA ...from a government...

 ...and others have circulated this actual raw data as well

to be slightly continued. Just for posterity.

But 'posterity' is incomplete without the context - and the context is for years such terribly poor self regarding rhetoric

Dr John...

doing a fair job but he is no radical and believes in his medical interventions.. 

BUT...he needed to sit back, roll up an organic smoke, stare into the camera... pause...for at least half a minute...

and somehow without 'offending' the relatives of those who went on a little earlier than they may otherwise 

take a big deep breath and for effect somehow make a point in saying with GREAT RHETORIC skills  - trying harder to have them.....

"eighty two and a half...  eighty twio and a half... now even a schoolkid in about class whatever it is for 7 year olds can do basic averages... eighty two and a half...  average age of 'covid' death for a bloke... circle it....

.....AVERAGE AGE FOR DYING, blokes, all less than that number ... eehh we seems to have 'something' that can only be described as a CULTURAL phenomenon... because statistically it doesn't actually....exist.."

or even better words to that effect..


she on the other hand does exist....

so i think i shall have my fantasies firmly based in actual science of something REAL

ANY Interest in collaborating on rewriting or rejigging some of this into better material which should be done even if the HOUSING pandemic plague of ow impossibility to find affordable accommodation anywhere in The Marches is far more interesting than bugs... ( i have been 6 years working on trying to get a few locals to get involved in a community land trust scheme but all you get is derided (i am writing a book on it... soon)   band it is a truly interesting tale... still ongoing

please phone and talk human to human...

I am always up 05.30 365 days a year and love a call... dont so love emails as they always fizzle to nothing ..


HOWEVER... all expressed and related here in these pages is simply for posterically (joke word flip you gotta LAUGH at it all)  chronicling i care about the universal right of free speech... indeed dedicated years of my life to that. and paid huge fuckin be it...

i have every conversation about the matters above  since may 2020 recorded...  the conversations with regional contemporaries many dozen chats... 

EVERY single thing i shared with folk (face to face or on the pho0ne in chats)  from May 2020 has come true in the data and science  - except the mind/body interaction as that takes decades to even begin to quantify...

HOWEVER... i applied my own 'cure' - see earlier videos on it all to so much healthy outdoor walking cycling...VERY LITTLE computer use..

or balanced to a few hours a day in early morning, at most.

and above all went out spring 29020 and made many many new friends and took up new roles...

even had  a totally 'illegal' girls riding club in the local hills i set up from autumn 2020 that lead to the HAPPIEST WINTER EVER last year..

myself.... i have never had a healthier and happier period of life  from  April 2020...

i PERSIONALLY wish the whole lovely slow down and maybe focus into a rethink on what matters in our society (that never happened!)  would have continued forever...

and i only hate one thing myself...being miss quoted or having wrong assumptions made about me...  smileything

And furthermore there is always  ALWAYS a silver lining... one of man in my real life is that after 8 years of almost zero phone signal being out and about i no longer have that problem... not that anyone in rural lands uses them to communicate propper... but that's another story. But i would not have even been able to upload my awful video waffling had i not had to teach myself all the not very smart things of a smartphone to use withy all this lovely new signal in my life... that i know does little good for man or dog...