
Monday 7 February 2022

 and slight change of plan.... having had such a truly wonderful winter - every moment of it... especially the messages of i don't know what from the adorable and true warrior for the poor.. The Sprout... and even seeing an old once beloved face... and then so many new friends....who always fake their help hahh hahhh... and even him yesterday he calls me and signs of with his  " love you"  despite 25 hrs spent on his citizens advice - i give great simple advice on getting off the disability pay they all fake the need for... nope waste of my time... they all have personality disorders i long ago knew

"love you" is so cheap especially when youve just been told you get a freebie ....of no interest to me ever any local person.

But i do have a few raggedy sites all on the same theme really the last 7 ish years... complete and total wasteland of atomisation, and in truth a reversion to feudal and Victorian  type policies of in truth off your cap to some nowadays more likely to be absinthe addicted silly old man or woman who inherited the land....and make fake articles for the press about how super eco friendly they are... one lives just down the road from my fave parkup spot...

anyway ... there will be just a little ore here that weaves together a few of those other sites... 

because i have had the second happiest wintyer ever....

and that means i do owe society something - a bit more truth.

Especially as i have indeed secured it would seem at least one, probably two foreign collaborators who are getting exile here from masks and nonsense.. they may indeed in time be able to help as companeras...

just help maybe stage some little films must =be made especially on truth of the environment...

in other words while every tosser (including all my own so called 'friends' ) have been moaning and stuck in self pity  - despite the majority being worth at least 500k... £.....  i have indeed been 'reaching out' across the world the last 9 months offering exile asylum or just a spare bedroom or tent and a good legal brain as to their dozens who have been bleating endlessly about their desperate fear they will be tied down and force jabbed...

NONE of whom ever even have the manners to state clearly " ahh thanks for the 20 or more hours of your time [sometimes 50+] corresponding video calling etc etc etc ..  on what is the legal reality there... yes i see despite me fighting you having watched too much of Del Bigboy's overhyped often were indeed right...   but i have changed my mind...or maybe i was fantasising in tnhe first place... my head ruined too like everyone else who uses the interweb of lies and deceit for more than about an hour a day...DAY..not  clear obvious health benefits i have a superb chronicle of... one day it will be set free... 

as i would state often to the first true covid fraudster ... May 2020 )she must go now)...

"luv... es i know that your lies a whole year about setting up eco institute... butying 15 acres with the inherited money...rather than the most horrid twee dump cottage ever... i diverted 375 hours into trying to help you realise your WET dream....... but luv... you will never understand the poetry in it all... had i not met you what wasit ... mid april 2020 sat at the river reading Tolstoy last a again...  even if you the number one lost liar in history... but excellent on "fuck this... i will never wash my hands either...  country people dont do that neurotic nonsense and thus are...healthier the science says..."  it doesnt matter none of it matters except the time you wasted and you cannot yourself live that - be that... 

nor...understand the mad poetry in everything  unless you listen to a bit of Bob...not enough Bob in your life ... Surrey roots dont allow yes we all knew that decades ago...(simply astonishing at least 50% of new friends - loads of them...except a friend is loyal and dependable no matter what, always, so i have none in truth..) 

anyway the number one fraudster in history ...  was nevertheless a catalyst... April 2020 "well ok ...ONE person is willing to sit down and have a chat  by a style... without any disinfectant in sight...maybe i will hunt down some others cos this weather is so fucking perfect week after week may be nice to have one of those fabulous Borisian bubbles NO OTHER COUNTRY ALLOWED !!!!  recent research has discovered how lovely) ..maybe there is one other person in the country who isnt a fraudster and actually likes to BE in nature rather than put pictures on facebook or say it on dating sites...only...

Anyway even if i am more of a truly elitist

music person at heart sort of ...

I mean the first fraudster April 2020 is directly responsible for me ending up at my new hymn sort of ... 

 which should have a billion views as she was better than Minnie...  sorry that may be white racist piggery but i have listened to the good Minnie a million times and the Tammy at least ten thousand... 

And its close but... whitey gets it... 

But then... to have found indeed have given... the world given a new poetical genius hidden away over thrity fuckin years....

et free.... "oh fuck were all gonna die if you think like Joni... let it out for

i mean fuckit world paradise especially if you are an African without such a compromised immune system all these whitey chemicals and i bet they're all sat round the campfire making great jokes

what true paradise ...

i personally want Boris dead, indeed all 'covid researcgh group' dead (which as a pacifist means put in a cage with Starmer, or Thingummy Long Bailey for life...or even worse with Drakeford and drakeford only gets fed if he does 5 hr speeches on how DIFFERENT he is... for life...) 

 I want the Chinese chappie in charge and lockdowns and more and more and more restrictions for ever... planes out of the sky again including the SAS who have massively expanded of late why i must leave this horrid county...

and the best thing of all no coppers or whatever else they may have needed to 'police' rural places like mine where i for one just got on as before...but better (May 2020) ... happily would have every second over and over...

indeed would prefer that as i do know one thing... the spirit and soul of so so so many have been utterly poisoned by the last few years ... and i do have wonderful evidence of just that... i care about what they did... even if ...

well ....another day

soon...when several waffling sites i shall introduce to each other without any quarantine distancing any more or masking.. which for several years - nothing to do with new pathogens, only to do with time immemorial REALITY of the nastiness of the middle and upper middle classes.......tis time to let ALL out... and when i do true danger - treal pain...may ensue..

or maybe i shall just go camping in Norway or Belgium or... Germany even if i love the sunshine always...