
Sunday 2 January 2022

I january 2022 5 pm (listening only because i was in such a good mood it was absurd - having met her..and her mum)

UPDATED in light of  recent muse level inspiration at 20:06 UTC 2 January 2020

 The one who doesn't even hide the fact that she was brought up, is, and always will get the job at the BBc as the ultimate deb with that fabulous red hunting lady red coat "The health secretary says we must learn to live with bugger off with any new rules.... unless you live in Wales or Scotland or N Ireland where Starmer and other combined prostitutes  who can only sell their wares to the generally disabled and 'vulnerable' they are so crap in the sac.... still try to preach something else and always will, as lowest common denominators get addicted to lowest common denominatoring ...sorry that's the history of humanity, always has been always will be

and if course her bed mates like Evan will spend the rest of time trying to STILL infect everyone with their "world record ever bug rates even though they couldnt organise a testing kit in a brewery full of piss tests.. which means the one hundred and eighty two and a half thousand yesterday actually was more likely to be at least quarter of a million HAD they the kits lets assume we had a quarter of a million oh my god shock horror...."  misery bullshit which is so scientifically ignorant of the simplest stat, a fuck of a lot more people 'test' 'positive' for something which in essence still puts more or less the same rate of people so ill with 'it' in the whorespittle as it did a few weeks ago, adjusted for the fact that every far fucker gets even fatter at Christmas and a bit more chesty and a bit more stressy all that weeklong awful telly and scraps...with the mother in law.. and always there is an increase in people suffering the effects of midwinter and an unhealthy week that tips then over the 'edge' into the waiting line at A+E this time of year.. - the it in question can never be unwoven from the cultural construct of things called 'anxiety' or a tight chest cos one is in a headspin, first, and may have covid....second... or more likely listened to Evan Davies, got in a really bad chesty headspin, and then got a bug and freaked out even more cos one recalled Evan, and thus got 'breathless' like Evan loves to.... for clicks...


There is one thing that must be secret, or put in a certain way ...

Let's just say that a truly guileful politician may see at last a way.... of revisiting a certain issue.... 

A legal term is ''material change' and as even my longtime sparing partner of the telephonic debate, yesteraft, agreed "the price of economy fishfingers the bottom third underclass precariat depend on rather, going up in Spar '[poetic license] from always for years £1 a pack to £1.25  May 2020...indeed if what you say is true well proves underlying  inflation has long been there far higher than any mere six percent.."

But they must not understand just how interesting it could all ... get.... they'll ruin it, but then....

And asi have always said, i never ever ever 'blame' politicians or the bossocracy for anything, stopped that about seven years ago when i realised it was ONY the people....who failed to gather and do the hard work necessary to elect a greener politician, or a politician perhaps offering a pause and revisit... those Tories even if i had to leave my most adored job working for Toff Tory Tart number 1 i was so the signage in her garage... even having managed to tame her "luv.... my advice was right... a very very sparing application of the rootkiller i asked three different experts  to advise me on....  will save those 300 year old walls.... and if you say something else just because your 'man' who like you is a dinosaur cannot read the instructions on the bottle of superexpensive roundup he has 'purveyed' for you....luv.... i bought with my own money the actual factually correct product SBK rootkiller and will apply it myself... without PPE as that's for babies... you just work out which way the wind is blowing and do it outdoors... luv.." 

" ehhhwww you horrible little man... how dare one ever ever stands up to me.... oh well... you do what you will ... i am not coming back here to my walled garden ever again you are so horrid... you fester away here with your self procured horrid little cheap products "

(smiley emoji "RESULT!!" hahh hahh masterclass in how to fuck an extremely high titled  Tory up her arse and make her smile as she walked away in a huff smiling to herself deep having met her match") 

which is why her walled garden was so acedia ridden neglected and unloved in the first place, and was loved back to life by a commie....     who loved meeting its owner in the COOP car park a few months ago.... " i do hope... no i can see... your backbone is still intact... good for you...listen me walking out i dont do that but i was sad i know it wasnt you ... i never take the enemy to heart or personally i know behind your wrinkled face you're just a girl....silly Goldsmith and Tiny Rowland all that gang of sexually dubious footstampers .....but it broke my heart  for the only one i love, mine half breed, and i loved your garden but i had to....  well, walkaway...  sorry...glad to see you and Sir Muck are still fact you look really well and jst as problematical as ever indeed i smell a thriving about you......i did like you really....  as much as the day when you said "we call him Sir Andrew " ...and i............... didn't... I saw your look out of the corner of my eye.... cmon admit it ...haven't we been all rather levelled the last few years...even you, and last humans in a windswept car park of shuffling the masked all around us ...glad to see you know the science, your smile is what will protect me from misery here and now unmitigated by bad science and Starmer.... have a very happy Christmas and i mean it... well done you  M'lady..Muck hahh hahhh... oh i am so warmed and happy to see you...made it though...." 

"know any Tory tarts for me to marry ? I mean you know em all the debbest of the deb... I can't marry a commie any more ....and you know i don't lie...even to you.."

To be continued, one day....soon

Except there really is very little hope when five years on one is still having exactly the same waste of time conversations with even ones most educated well read (including proper literature like Kafka, Mann, Dostoevsky, Orwell, and the greatest of them all George Elliot)  Hay-on-Wye living Teletubbie pseudo curated 'intellectual' non drinking 'friend'..


"mate if you have not understood yet, yet again .... mask or no mask if someone in the local scrappy magistrates is arguing their  cause they will use the HRA  it has nothing whatsoever to do with the EU it is a TREATY! look the fuck up the word "TREATY" they are binding unilateral things that trump national law in theory, it may well be that the 'practice' is politically determined by the eb and flow of reality but a TREATY requires a long period of negotiation to enter or even exit no matter what rubbish you have read in the Mail or Indi... and even Russia hasnt bothered exiting that one ...yet...   

And that the supposedly Alex Belfield homoerotically loving  brexity gang have not and never will take in the FACT of life that ECHR will be the treaty they argue in their cause if they ever have to argue against arrest for smiling at a copper without a mask  and that it will take a long time and a quite separate 'referendum' to exit that international treaty which is so supra national it is daft, being above all political folklore.... the biggie... World Court stuff if we knew where that was...

But of course 'they' are in the ultimate ignorant rabbit hole of their own lost cause in the making, the notion that 'independence' is ever real in a world where quite rightly the international treaty is the exact opposite of the lowest common denominator being fairly good peeps put good work into steering through such things for a reason.... 

And it hasn't changed just because Alex and Nigel and Graham (of the Talk and spit Radio) got a camcorder for Crimbo....

But when the undereducated who will not listen "watch The Land of The Blind....superb film, we didnt need mister fancypants Desmett ...  read Yevgenia Ginzburg, she alone so superb on the real world of the human soul or psyche or unconscious  faced with horrid cruelty"  and even he (religious, bigot too) states " not unlikely we will have civil war..."    that is more than sad as a people (ours) dying for only ignorance and truly the worst education we have ever had in history for some decades and just getting worse [Starkey it has to be said has at last said something he should be valued for.. that uk university education he would advise folk to avoid, now... even if he wont say sorry for his  childish ignorance a few years ago he should not be forgiven for  - thats not 'woke' it is being a grown up, to say what he did (i have the un immediately edited/censored/infantilised version where he was so obviously nasty) is unforgiveable  even if we must forgive all 'sinners' but not the sin... ]  "

"egomaniac lost towny neurotics who dont spend enough time wandering the hills which sorts out ALL of human cant and vanity  ...puts ALL in perspective...always...eventually.... always become awry thats the nature of things.... and nothing has happened in ten years worth even noting in the annals except just a little bit of a swing towards the not brilliantly educated ....  which was identified two decades or more ago as dumbing down.... especially the so called Oxbridge educated.... so if your civil war happens well it will only be because of dumbing down and that is really really wont even be a proper war based on religious bigotry or racist madness or bling or absurdly overinflated love wars over Helen of Troy when i bet whoever was after her actually preferred slave girls behind the back of the bike shed, not quite so insufferably full of themselves,......... it will be the silliest billiest civil war of the Teletubbies ever... so why the fuck dont you ever DO anything fattie...? you say you care about your three young men kids.... nope you just sneer and battle as usual...rather than join me on walks in the hills so often i have suggested,  which would had you ever taken advice in your supposedly educated life mean that you were in a lower 'risk' cohort....oh well i did my best.... " 


And fast forward to 11 am Today, now for years until last year, and certainly this my favourite listening experience by far has been Steve Wright's Sunday Luvsongs.... because he alone speaks the language i yearn for even better than i can - gentle SRADONESE...a true genius of ...he can get away quite rightly with taking the Piss out of ALL of it especially 'luv,' he's the one sane beacon left AND HAS BEEN FOR YEARS....


"Stevie can you play  record for Fred who is marooned in Brussels for years now.... we have put our wedding off for the seven billionth time ....because of  'lockdown'...."

. excuse my French but fucking lockdown (that was NOT adhered to by 94.3% of rural people so it was never adhered to statistically speaking why no one actually cared about Dominic's wanderings because they knew loads of others too were just as wonderlust..). fucking well legally ended nine fuckin months ago.... no fuckin hardly ever was but it's NOT A 'THING' as the other new trendy bastardisers of English say these days....  they do not exist.. they are extant like Monty's Dead Parrot....but no the amount of times i still hear the word in all sorts of media 'lockdowns' ...  

 they cannot exist....even Starmer The great fraudster hasn't even asked sweetly for one for his malign political prostituting habit, as he knows no hope...never... finis as the Belgians say... Le Fin... Ce'st  Le Fin ...Boris and chicratic cronies said "Allez Vous en.." to the idea of controlling an uncontrollable bug....and it did... It did Vous En the way nature always will do...its thing, until it got bored with munching the weak and weary ...and started to be something else. .  

because it 'infected' along with about 100 other 'infections' that 'INFECT' any ordinary child every day of the year, every fuckin day poor them..... it 'infected' most children in the UK last autumn and it realised that nasty little bug it was just another ordinary little dull bug that stood no chance against the immune systems of even the most 'vulnerable' ... those it began to ...roll over and die.... after being jealous of its big black brother Ebola   because that is a REAL is an Olympic champion of a bug that actually did rise above the 100 other bugs constantly swarming around your poor poor vulnerable child's head every day ..(and tuning up their immune system to make it even better than ever ).... and curiously mum and dad and Aunty Fred (this being a diverse blogpage)  didnt all end up in hospital either as about 3/4 of UK schoolkids brought the little bugs back home last autumn.... thanks to, God Praise his name, Herdy Gurdy Man Boris and co

(oh and i am not thick... and deliberately for 'political' reasons do not mention the 'v' word.... my closest friend sort of is a Cambridge educated scientist he wont have his....his choice, but even he  - Green Party member for many years he tore it up last year when they started to politicise their stance and refuse to even read proper science.... he says not me so you cannot block this webpage or i shall take Oggle to court. .. "government know the [v words] don't work... "  I mean, exactly,    you dont  have to be a Cambridge educated scientist to see an itzy witzy little problem this week.....  so they're all bleating on the media (the ones who get paid to bleat then their bosses procure more.... on their large salary and caviar sarnies i bet working overtime this week...) "this last week we probably have had one and a half two million people in the uk with 'covid' 

[parenthesis for along with LOADS of other things they have at the same time like Chlamydia Candida Thrush, Anal warts if you are a Tory, etc... a cold, flu, gout, a cough, bit of cancer that came and went without you noticing]  ... lets say a million and a half ... which is a CONservative statement for five or ten million in reality i couldnt be bothered to look up the numbers but I do believe that a few million remain 'unvaccinated'   and it is a funny old world if all those people suddenly got something and they didnt all run to hospital with it the same 'proportion' as last year who got iller.... or a 3 year old may say "mummy i think the people who ate the sweetie that makes them not ill any more must have eaten the wrong sweetie...or maybe the sweetie never existed. can i have another imaginary sweetie please mummy.... oh they cost a lot of money do they now oh well maybe not ..."

But no the meeeedia.... 

and the people - well those curated INTO the media to keep media in a place of saccharine self importance, they still WANT it... the Teletubbies are stuck in the moment of time when they all loved living in their little bubble  - King  people bless him til' kingdom come, Boris's fabulous government approved scheme for "we know randy men get randy so invite a mate over for a few weeks and maybe the British will finally admit women get randy too, i know it is unlikely and as a chap one can never know as unlike fabulous  dodgy foreign babes who talk about such things as if they are real life, the English cannot, but you never know so maybe they'll stay longer than a few nights......"


Buti bet it hurt really hurt the continuity announcer today who having listened to 2 hrs of even Stevie lost to teletubbie self pity and they still talk of heroes and illness-   2 out of every 3 requests for someone ILL.... all kinds of wonderful illnesses the new religion...

 the NEWS the reality comes back in at 11am... "and government minister  FOR HEALTH says fuck off, no it is bad for the 'mental health' of children if they wear masks..." 

The euphemism that every single person especially Russell Brand now trots out every 3rd word.... to make him look good behind hos dull eyes from too much computing  and all those organic blouses to chose from in respect of which LOOKs best in front of yet another wasted 3 hrs in front of the camera...

for, screw their so called 'mental health'  their EYES need to start to shine again.....

And like the woman i .... the only one makes my eyes shine, even if shetoo,  must have hers, her mask looped on her  arm,  all fashion conscious supertrendy rather modernist.... the new cool fashionista look... so uber with it....  

even the thickos of the Tory High command have managed at last to say, today

 "my love...  go put the sprouts on.... and no need for oral protection...because 'the science says they are not "efficacious" ....' ...."  the other trendy new word the Brands spout without ever knowing what it means...and that it is yet another cleveratti way of saying, simply,  they dont fuckin WORK!

hahh hahh hahh Paradise Regained....