
Friday 31 December 2021

How largely women have been used to promote a wrong respose

 This is an afterthought (if not fundamental) adjunct page to main page, the earlier 'post'. Short essay on this made way before dawn today, as homeless communist likely has far more restful evenings and nights than anyone else in the land and woke up so refreshed and feeling fab, it is time to say the say.

Only once.

And one gets lost in the febrile and awful curation of it all. My extensive roaming the last 18 months seeking real opinion face to face even i had missed the point: it is 95% women who have like me seen through the complete falsity and dangerous miss messaging. And only they have felt confident (i dont mean online) to speak out face to face. There is something very gendered in the response being perverted into a system working against the populations best interests.

 video up mid morning


 which turned into mid night...

which is because i respect women and decry the way 


An audio 'essay' on how a notional Baroness Procurer of Uber Logistical Thingummybobs is THE one person there in the background can never ever be challenged, or even a joke made about her, and she - it is almost always a she, eats away into your ability to ever think other than that they have served you the last 22 months. 

She isn't notional though. Indeed it is her 'time' like never before. And there are many i could name and describe. 

But there are two 'themes' which are at the root of all and the absurd infantile talk on "the great reset" must be tackled too.

Audio essay comment on this better than most other discussion programs

which is mirrored here

my audio essay (in WMA will convert later to Mp3 ) 31 December early in the morn

  is here

mega nz very very safe good fileshare org

*** Dawn 1 Jan, a clearest head.

But in fact I wasn't going to bother even finishing this page-post.

not showing off, to manage to 'create' anything half alive or even semi professionally presented, two not that old laptops required on the job as so much of your consumer electronics is so wonky it is only a daily slam-poem keeping them ticking over.

But with my clear head I pondered, just up the road, the half of Guinness last night; sat next to two women in their early sixties. In a nearly deserted good old fashioned stuck in the 1970s Herefordshire pub in one of the larger small towns. They were  obviously popular with the rest of the clientele - semi retired blue collar, 'good sorts',  and their chats to me spoke of their courageous full life of cruises and regular need to be out at night - both long divorced. No one would call these women reckless.  Both far more clubbable or  socialised than myself.

But i didn't want to say as they got up to leave, 10pm, a few minutes before myself, "ladies...listening to you for the last ten minutes... quite angrily lamenting hardly a soul out even here, and how you would have been better off staying in in front of your telly....  I think this really is it now for our generation, you've been saying it yourselves the last ten minutes that if people didn't  at last come out and  smile a little tonight that's it for a long time..  we can feel it, this really is it... what coalesced in society against your full-of-life living on as i know you live your lives ... it won; accept it, for your own good. This really is is not coming back what you had in the past a New Years eve dance in your local pub.... a bit of banter and easy cheer.... it is over and we know sat here tonight, for good..."

And in fact their friendliness to me stranger in their local  wandering in off the street (to charge his laptop surreptitiously), real curiosity and Katrina even remembered my name as they left dejected... deserves the fact i always get up early with a smile on my face, even if no one else seems to get there is ALWAYS a silver lining.... to everything. 
In mine own most glorious year in mine life-history, neigh two... in a row,

who knows, maybe he had a brush with the bug, and,...

said to imself "my my why I am i always so Meany.. mine work that super special stuff,  hidden behind 100 buck cd sets and all that copyright insistence..... any copyright knicker blocked off YouTube.... fuckit...let em have it all at last for free... and while were at it suppose 37ish years trying to hide it..... we better let em have this one too...." 

"....singing Amazing Grace all the way to the Swiss Bank...."

That's poetry.