
Tuesday 4 January 2022

Le Fin

 start at first 'post'  that's intro, - there will only be four. These other three have just been context and afterthought riffing on a central theme that is contained in post 1. 

Yesterday I had an insignificant but nevertheless slightly upsetting encounter. I am a bunny hugging ultra pacifist. My gurus are Herman Hesse and his progeny Malala (especially at 28:30 in this which i have worn out as it is the only thing online makes anyone happy) , even if her dreadful Oxbridge education will not have explained herself to her. Oxbridge does not even know about the one great novel of the 2nd half 20th C Bernhard’s Extinction, they are so up their bottoms.  And it parodies THEM (transplanted) hence they avoid. A C Grayling had never heard of it. His face to my face in private and at some length a few years ago.  Arguably Hesse was direct descendent of Mary Ann Evans, the queen of it all – courageously being true to only peace. Even if her genius  creation Silas had to  force ultimate peace with a few casualties – the pride of those snubbed at the wedding.


Personally I only care about one thing: The British pandemic of  everyone assuming things – especially of the one whom lives a little aside (the regular cant and vanity), does not pollute my  humble and pleasant and very much enjoyed little ecosystem of my own little bubble in life.


It does not matter – UK is ‘lost’ anyway, and bully for me at least i know one person  - albeit a bit who perhaps has been able to read “ you assume...”and know that words are there to help, in understanding, and thus has taken the ‘moment’ to ponder and think if i may be Wotsupping truth...  rather than assuming her own fearful version. After only scanning the digital words, what everyone else has done for years. Certainly by default in UK.  So be it.


In fact, silly me,  how can I omit that truth?! The same person who responded so well to a suggestion she may have been assuming of me, is i realise my other guru. Of sorts. Despite so many differences in our lifestyle it is daft. She only made one true mistake though – of what i know, to celebrate the dreadful film Nomadland. Indeed i can relate one real instance this week of someone  -  a wonderful very very modern minded and full of life farmer’s wife, who dies know me well enough and she knows that I am enhanced, liberated, and above all my energy is better than ever,  by being a downtrodden hobo in a jalopy. I told her yesterday of my recent smugness in developing even better strategies. And she wotsupped a funny image back to me, because she knows nothing ever gets to me...having experienced me fully,  under what others may call sorrowful pressures and undeserved tragedy,  and experienced that i get on with wat next, always, and never moan...   and when i stated “ this is women’s work, a real man managed an outdoor shower in the winter of minus 20, and learned  to value the achievement in that as a real one” Her joke back my way is because she knows i do not, unlike the dreadful film Nomadland, live a life of confected vulnerability or self pity. Ever.  


Good for me. (in England that means not that arrogantly: “ i am ok ... forget me... and just because i manage  to thrive when many may not, do not congratulate me or falsely fawn over my being ok..” indeed it may also mean all admiration (by some other) of apparent achievement  by some other,  is confected and false. Certainly irrelevant in the medium term).


And you see there you go: all this febrile assuming. Despite the trotting out regularly in the British public conversation  of the worst, silliest rather conceited so called intellectual ever Mr Stephen Pinker (who’s books i have read and pondered at length) , there is a culture of assuming the ‘worse’ in Britain. At all levels of society.

Because people are not as stupid as Pinker assumes. Every single even educated person i know or study has lost the ability to come forth with useful  more carefully formulated sentences or even individual words.  Words as Voltaire knew are the only battle ground; and our ways with words are key to all. It is the flavour, or to get a bit (i am not as they are all frauds) ‘New Age’: vibrations... that matters. The tone. The inherent subtle implications via one word rather than another. Stating that there may well be an ‘existential angst’ afoot all across much of society is  not threatening to anyone and hence not in any way ‘divisive’. Speaking in ignorant terms of ‘remoaners’ or ‘libtards’ or all the more cutting edge words forever thrown in (to make the originator look good)   such as ‘cancel culture’ or ‘culture wars’ all do nothing to further The Enlightenment project simply to improve tolerance between diverse  ideologies via more objective ‘truth’s and  tolerance via a central secular ethos that does not supress other viewpoints


That isn’t a good essay paragraph that one above, and i haven’t forgotten my poke at Pinker, because it is quite obvious there is more ‘latent’ violence in the UK the last decade. Latent violence is of course not a ‘thing’ to use the trendy latest dumbed down parlance. Everyone knows – since the days of ‘road rage’ springing from nowhere,  there are more people bubbling away inside in such a way they may given some catalyst vent their inner angst.  And for Pinker to sit there saying “ahh but the ...DATA my tons of lovely chummy data ... gleaned in my Ivory tower..says, we have never been nicer and more chummy..” is frankly dangerous. It certainly is the ultimate bubble gum Disneyfied Teletubbie infantilization.


Fact, data, ask any city centre youth or even a + E worker. The violence metred out when things between people do bubble up, the last 5 or so years they noted is at a far far more brutal and cruel level than ever before.  People know this deep down. People know that there is danger from some – real danger.


And since i am sure to sooner or later for quite sane reasons disappear off this Aisle, i only care about people not assuming anything about me.  In fact a year ago in sort of self appointed community role  just checking various people were ok face to face.... sidling up to younger men gathered to smoke hard drugs something i would never do in the ;past - in that instance a well known tough guy in the area  did attack me in front of his little gang, in the small deserted High St – never before happened to me that, there will have been CCTV footage, there was blood – mine...  I would never dream of seeking any redress as i know full well why he and his friends were as they are...and as for fighting back – a mugs game....anyway i leave this land soon enough.


BUT i do not want anyone assuming anything about me !!

A front tooth cap in there 45 or more years  never a squeak from it... of its own accord fell out on New Years eve as i was on the way for my only evening beer for a decade or more hahh hahhh...

And i have the pictures.

And hence my slurred words in ...

Homeless Communist 3 Jan 2022: why even think "vote"

last video

last bit to fill in, 3 paragraphs on the worlds of the 'carer' and her big sister the ultra carer [on 250 grand plus a peerage ]

plus 3 x rather good debating conversations - recordings of, from the last week....all demonstrate rather well the real issues underneath ...

and then

definitely LE FIN

And incidentally, as Dylan wrote in his greatest 'political' song by far, hardly anyone knows of everyone became so cheesy and one dimensional for several decades but must be THAT version  finally given to s all for free in the glorious year of 2021....  "They say that patriotism is the last refuge To which a scoundrel clings"

HIS life's work sold for a fair bit more than the dodgy David Bowie..... money talks.... 

It is not a matter of any label such as 'British' it is only about real people: I have encountered or reencountered more people i have known for some years (including my 20 year most cherished and valued female best friend) , and thought were lifelong immune from ruining their lives and more important their children's lives from descending into the depths of drink or drug damaged despair - nice middle aged women, with pre or teen age kids,  i had long known and cherished as immune for that. Nope....  i saw even them fall into such an abyss of self harming damage   - MORESO the last 6 months.... However one wishes to sum up the last few years the toll is truly immense and the cost upon the once more psychological  healthy children - theirs, will cascade for decades. This was not a joke...