
Sunday 26 December 2021

Homeless communist will vote Tory

1 jan 2022, having sat there Mayish 2020 'watching' the atrocious self pitying self glorifying nonsense put out by the not-very-intelligent Anna Brees basically prostituting herself and family just cos she has a smartphone to broadcast her 'crisis' ...oh yes its always about the hungry kid in the backroom...[alliteration]. ... such silly Billies or billettes make such a thing of a song and dance, when the nasty bigtech 'take me down [oh look at me !! look at the i am being victimised and picked on despite my... well....' their not very intelligent clips,  rather than saying on day 1 "ehhh as we have known a decade ... Facebook et al censor and take things down,  which was well known over a decade ago; so if i vanish ear, find me on bitchute or that rather good one basically bitchute without quite so many Klu Klux Klan or other assorted relics of some past insanity, and i always, without fail, even if my bimbophone runs out of battery, make treble backups of everything always [one backup set on airgapped ext hd always] .... to do just that in the eventuality my speech is supressed, by some bossocracy be it concerted teamwork or random lone wolf operator at Youtube,  which has been happening since the time of Babylon.... ...[no confected vulnerable and hurt expression for said bimbophone]"  where my material will go up in the event of just that. 

1 Jan 2022. New page ready - click on home.  Link to very last video i shall make and an audio essay too. 

30 December 2021 new para at bottom of page and the rest has been edited a bit - all first draft, and will be edited further, thus far embarrassing hotch potch. 

Not a blog, one stand alone page only. Click on 'read more' to see the whole page. contact via the home symbol (top left).

Probably has typos - keyboard of only 2 year old laptop so tragically crap and broken = hard work as usual... needs a long sit down to sort out.

28 December a lovely balmy dawn. .....minor context additions to do still. My only detraction in life is that to keep a crappy midprice Dell laptop charged is rather a chore as even a 2 year old internal battery seems deliberately rigged to last only 1 1/2 years. And even simple video editing (merging a couple of mp4 files into one)  via Shotcut editor uses a huge chunk of battery. So it takes....time...  

PAGE UPDATED 27 December. Still to edit and make a bit nicer on the eye. Not that there's any point - everyone far far too clever these days to recall you only have your vote. Or threat of who else  you will sell it to.


YOUTUBE CHANNEL: "homeless communist will vote tory" started 26 December 2021, just because i was in the (good) mood....

A video made 26 December morn' is on it now plus some afterthought in several other videos following, that clears up so so  likely MISS perceptions...

Homeless communist will vote Tory #1


Little footnote 29 December 2021. Having been in bricks and mortar  27 years  - 4 different locations ALL within 2 miles of the England Wales 'border', and seven years in a farm where the 'border' actually went through the land owned by the farm, please mad world understand one thing,  I have NEVER heard anyone ever speak of this 'border'.... indeed i would bet the majority of folk living around me in those locations do not even know where it is.

STARMER IS USING DRAKEFORD.... Drakeford is nothing more than Starmer's rather puffed up unhealthily maintained little poodle. 

They pretend there is some 'Welsh' Labour party; last time I looked Drakeford and his like were only in parliament as part of the national Labour electoral ebb and flow.  (and having dabbled in politics myself ALL members of Welsh Labour i ever met in The Marches - the Welsh side, were actually 'English'.  I also  believe their football team, or was it rugby,  was about 75% 'English' around the time of BREXIT) 

By a pure 'chance' of politics over the years Wales (and Scotland and NI ) have certain devolved powers - not that many as we know,  that all of a sudden by pure happenstance became nationally relevant. When in fact living on the 'border' no one ever talks of any conceivable difference except in one specific way (apart from generally avoiding Welsh schools if one can as their outcomes are provably worse) which is even my ex neighbour the ambulance driver (with a young kid)  living a few miles from the same 'border' as me would share with me "under no circumstances ever get an ambulance into..Wales... " fact. I didn't say that, he did; as have many others said to me exactly the same thing in respect of so called health services in ... 'Wales' over the years.

But all day i hear on BBC or any other media today  how important this 'border' is...i even hear a Scottish spokesperson saying " we really really don't want people crossing the 'border' to go and get New Years ever ratarsed.."   this is taking us back to the 1970s ... indeed about 770s when maybe Mister Offa was maybe building his maybe dyke...

Do we need YET ANOTHER partisan self serving 'differences' development? Which is the nett effect of the absurd Mister Drakeford no one had ever heard of until radio 4 decided they liked his self pitying awful rhetoric.   Boris should sit on the dyke and frankly blow raspberries into the 'Principality'.  I know a great spot high up where you can sit on their 'border' - maybe, depending on the sitting lore in force. And in truth that's what ALL the people i know around me are doing too.  Getting sick, of this absurd nonsense. 


then we have 

Homeless communist will vote Tory #2 27 December 2021

Homeless communist will vote Tory #3 27 December 2021

Homeless communist will vote Tory introduction 28 December 2021

Homeless communist will vote Tory Introduction footnote 28 December 2021

Do put on twitter and facebook and others if you want, i don't use them myself...

And i am a very bored legal and political expert (trying to fix brexit for lass among other things in my region of 4 just possible swingable seats 2017ish to 2019) and even more expert of dreadful new narcissistic so called 'new media' - it is ALL cant and vanity, you ONLY have your vote - threat of mobilisation so as to nudge ... that's it. All you ever had, and will ever have. 

 All Talk Radio Alex Belfied rude and ranty rhetoric is scientifically proven to be useless, other than in respect of perhaps getting them girlfriends when prior their channels they never had a chance. . 


26 Dec early morn: I just woke up this morning having previously kept my mouth fairly shut about the last 2 years, better things to do like all last winter running for free a girls riding club in our local hills - making kids HAPPY... yes gathering.....and my how health their psyches were when we got going.... myself and up to six local sane responsible....mothers.. i approached sometimes even within 2 metres....and asked to come and be alive with us.... 

and thought "how awful for her assuming she is staying with her boyfriend in West Wales again, ...yet again my 22 year old daughter is being sermonised to by this absurd old man Drakeford who clearly wishes he were back in the 16th C and temperance and pulpits were all the fashion.... and how completely lost the plot...and HE wont even Let her go to the disco once again  at New Years.....I HAD ENOUGH..." 

I lived for a fair bit of my youth on a farm in N Wales.  There is no messing around in respect of health in such marginal places - both of stock, and human stock. 

With my daughter over many years of having so many animals at home, including rescue hedgehogs, and our nationally renowned cupwinning  line of ferrets that we bred, we knew about animal health. Animal husbandry is purest science. 

 Ferrets get covid. I care about ferrets. 

If i were a Welsh farmer and knew of a considerably less acute form of TB than that presently circulating, that was likely also to leave an element of immunity after infection, i would go out and get a bottle of it and feed it to the cows, now. That is called utilitarian  - the greatest good for the greatest number, in the long run - even medium term. Or in fact even short term, with fewer dying the last few weeks of covid than if normal seasonal flu by my reckoning.

Dr John Campbell in his Youtube channel in his broadcast 28 Nov 2021 made it pretty clear in his excellent data work that Omicron is a good thing. Will likely force out other strains leading to more acute illness. 

I am not in the business of even following the 'debate' on covid as the many debates had last year (with right thinking, and intelligently sceptical friends and others) all turned out fairly conclusively to be the case  we had reached, as the pandemic progressed - all our scepticism proved very well founded.  In short this was in many ways a development in human pathology much as if a several times more risky pneumonia had arisen. We don't much discuss pneumonia. And we don't discuss enough how all these infections really do pick on those with the less healthy lifestyles.  Covid certainly seems to be particularly good at that.

But from spring 2020 I did very much follow the 'debate' and then have a range of only progressive minded acquaintances - i.e. despite a comment on Talk radio (photo's below) i ONLY EVER cherish as real friends  progressive social democratic people.  But I DO speak regularly  with those who hold other points of view. I value their innate being just as much as those of my own standpoints. 

Tragically i saw many who hold a correct (scientific method requires) sceptical viewpoint - all science should be treated with great caution, always, become polarised, not in real life, but in their proselytising.  Sharing 'sceptical' online material from the more gobby commentariat, who have always operated at an extreme lowest common denominator such as Alex Belfield. Many if not all of such people are seemingly stuck in 2016 when they won their brexit and almost still fighting it! . (for nasty foreign readers simply a few percent had swung to that side of the argument, nothing much else ) when a sane person admits, as do i, the democratic conclusion that was in my opinion unjustly (media assassination of Labour 2018-19 to an extent many balanced intellectuals have stated they have never seen the likes of before) but nevertheless  is it  - fait accompli. And to the Belfields and all copy cats and their so ranty bolshie tribespeople indeed that is THE only thing that can be said about  pandemic matters especially into winter 2021, that you bleated for many months that your vote was not going to be respected, and guess what, it was... and there was no revolution insurrection or indeed anything much in the wake of any of it.  But they won't remind you of that now as of course that means you won't go back to their most unhealthy angsty science-lite diatribes  they need you to keep coming back to, to make money....from you.

As i say they are using you (sceptics). If they actually valued you their readers for anything other than you going back to their rather silly channels full of insult and truly dumbed down bullneck nonsense, and make yourself more nuts on more of it,  they would state at the beginning of ANY video or other positioning  "if you really do care about the democratic deficit you will likely comment about, remember we 'got back control' via the hard work propagandising etc into a result at the ballot box... so organise to do the same once again.."   But that's dull. And means people actually DOing something rather than moaning into their echo chambers...

I will write just a bit more later but the way Labour and especially Welsh Labour and others such as The Greens, and then most of the media especially the BBC (and even more so radio 4!) have sensationalised and reported this matter entirely out of context frankly it has became dangerous. It is now killing people - lifeforce, outlook, how we feel about the day ahead has been proven over many years in good real science (not hippy hocus pocus) to have a major effect on our real life systems such as immune and cardiovascular. Read Prof Martin The Sickening Mind. He is a real mind...

Though i certainly don't like the Starmer project I had long been almost a little in (part erotic)  love with the feisty real woman, no nonsense, and often rather risqué pronouncements, of the luscious Emily Thornberry. She alone I trusted to never punch below the belt, yet punch hard and with a cheeky grin in the right places when she was in sparing mode. Hearing her on Any Questions last week was the final straw. scientifically ignorant  lost politicians making the cheapest of points for their own cheapest votes.  Lowest common denominator. 

And as for poor poor Neil fancies himself as the new Mother Theresa.... mixed with Mandela and Martin Luther King...

Its a daft bug.... it's confused folk with big jobs they have to justify....getting their knickers in a twist.... and seems to me rather a lot of people are getting rather bored of standing in jab queues a fashion which will not last. In many countries never even began. 

The most sincere saccharine version of Luther Kingish rhetoric, about...actually nothing, ever

... worse than the bleedin Queens Speech...

your media - all of them,  are using you just like pimps use their lowest common denominator clickbait suspender clad earners... ....

And radio 4 should be shut down as i was waiting....waiting.... all last year, to hear just one sympathetic article on fiscal support for that actual, real, oldest profession... quite clearly actual real victims of said restrictions...


The real problem right from word go is how in fact the commentariat and indeed 'wellness' and other so called experts in the UK and other similar turbo capitalist societies,  have proselytised in an ever more  clever-dick fashion.  Without ever having done the real lifelong work  to begin to understand the very hardest of things: how science works in reality, and the huge problem of where science meets culture. Culture more than ever fed to us by humanities graduates trying to get clicks be they independent or working for the mainstream.  Be under no illusion they are proselytising often rather narcissistically for THEIR benefit. Their clicks.

Comin up with one 'true' analysis or comment about anything to do with nature or medicine, and certainly the indivisible psychological aspect of 'clinical' outcomes,  is a lifetime's work only very few have pursued and the honest ones who have admit it is almost witchcraft figuring cause and effect in a human body. In fact if people stopped to actually THINK, many will have encountered in previous times programming - audio or televised, on aspects of 'science' which were once held as sacrosanct - even in the last few decades, that turned out after some new research finding  to be discovered as no better than witchcraft. 

I have studied all my adult life psychology, and certainly there is something in the recent work of Mattias Desmet, as in fact most of literature since about 1800 has assisted us with. You don't need some letters after your name to understand such ebbs and flows of collected hysteria and neurosis and herd mentality. 

However in almost all commentary these younger people have one hugest conflict of 'interest' they simply will not tackle - of course it s not their fault, they were simply sheep adopting new techno habits.  An apparently good talk:

36.7K subscribers

Does it sometimes feel like you’re surrounded by people who’ve been hypnotised in some way? Well, maybe you are. My guest tonight is Mattias Desmet, Professor of Clinical Psychology at Ghent University in Belgium, and his observations over the past 18 months have led him to conclude that the overwhelming majority have indeed fallen under a kind of spell. Except it’s not actually a spell, of course: the term for it is ‘mass formation’ and right now it’s manifesting as a psychological response — not unlike hypnosis — to the unrelenting, single-focus campaign of fear to which we have all been subjected........

However as with almost all modern capitalist adventures - what the Dans are,  they rush out the latest sensationalised  clever-sounding material - much of his channel has the usual suspects - darling Julia H B  ... she looks good on a clip...


There was one great 'popular' science book  of the 90s by

Doctrine of DNA which isn't so much about genetics it is about the POLITICS of science - it changed my life, he so brilliantly wove in a few tales from his high chair demonstrating all science is 'corrupted' by political and financial vested interests.  That would become monolithic cargo boats almost impossible to about turn. 

And then his work with the equally wonderful Stephen Jay Gould, Rose and Kamin and their great collaborative books would show how far more fluffy it all is. Dawkins with his certainty  - x+y= xy  ..'s just far more fluff,y the whole thing...maybe the witches are in charge.  It's certainly far more complex than mere humanity may ever figure - what cause and effect is in any lifecycle especially human. Particularly and almost uniquely human BECAUSE our imagination plays into our biochemical soup.  And you can fuck off with your ' ahh but there are the twin studies'. Almost all, initially conducted at great length, were later revealed to be knowingly or unknowingly corrupted. 

But keeping it so so simple, and I am afraid your internet quite by accident became this race to the ever more cleverdick version of everything, for clicks....and of course all the sensationalising words, it is perfectly described by the fact that I was sat at a very small  early model Sony mini laptop  showing off 25 years ago - showing off as they were about twice the price though of course portability when you like you van life is a good thing, and i heard the wonderful Susan Greenfield speaking about how especially SMALL screens, really made you feel  really really... clinically horrid. 

They drew you in in a way that has an almost negative physical element. And as (for my work then) I had been spending a lot of time on the little screened thing I realised how  quite obviously right she was. That research lost in the swirls of ever more 'important' sounding research findings...

She didn't retract her pronouncements. It's just of course in no ones interest to have listened especially once the small screen took over almost everyone's life 12 or 13 years ago. and you use the small screen to listen to the Mattiases talking about how horrid everyone may be becoming. Ehhhhhh..... !?!? 

And it would put the Dans and Mattiases never mind every BBC radio 4 - or in fact World Service waffler out of a job  if we kept to that simpler life advice, being  i often get up at 4am just because i can, and KNOW that has clinically proven health benefits - go beddy byes at early eve and up before the larks... 

And for maybe 5ish years it seems that every single paid (paid is the key word here methinks) broadcaster and blogger and nowadays podcaster  seems to pepper every single sentence, indeed herald their paragraphs with "in [terrible] times like these...." well i think you should be only allowed to use that phrase if you prove you have only used a small screen 10 minutes max per day... PERIOD... 

I am a pretty scientifically thinking environmental steward in various ways and one thing for sure don't believe the endless Messianic nature saviours you here on any media. They are almost all frauds self promoting some temporary little initiative they will get bored of when the attention on them fizzles... and the ecosystems are more fucked than ever before.  

 But I am not aware of any huge bad anything going on .. Syria tragic, another oil economy and bling driven war, but all my life they have been ongoing somewhere ...  etc..

All of this "in grim times like these when we are all guaranteed to die tomorrow, or before... " that then gets translated into the Dan-saviour-of-the-world not brilliant journalism, sorry... I know full well even 23 years ago... only use that small screen a little bit...when i really needed it. 

And i know full well today not one thing has changed and Susan Greenfield was bang on - you use a small screen for very long you feel like utter shit... for which they will have some clever dick terminology for, or in fact it is noticeable that they haven't... because as Lewontin described in his works so very well it's all just  about being in the herd, immune from actual rational facts - if the whole 'media' landscape never mind political and of course even scientific and medical, depends on new mastery of the smallest screens  - the smartphone, no one is going to point to it as making them all so bolshie and fearful or just NEGATIVE about something quite routine,  in the first place. That would be sheep voting for herd immunity  by actually knowing the herd was about to rush over the cliff edge. Or that's what they'll have deep in their bolshie minds which seem set at cliff edges only, as screens have made them so unhappy..

Which all sounds clever dick and if i am sucked in too. Nope.... the spirit - how you feel really really is scientifically certain to affect various bodily systems including in ways we have not yet discovered!! but the idea that the NHS or any other 'service'  connected with any part of your wellbeing may be delivered by app - which from 2020 every breathless spokesperson via Zoom, and media luvvie seemed to think was some new JERUSALEM...   simply goes to show that in fact developments the last 2 years never mind the decade leading up, are simply the result of the worst education we have ever had in the UK - which MUST to be even valid require things like philosophy of science - the real version, to be cornerstone. 

Indeed update 06:00 27 December 2021. 

Now, we shall have to wait and see, but methinks yet another fraud.  Or worse - and it almost explains the true dullness of the last 18 months even if I have personally had the happiest imaginable 18 months. That dullness how my supposedly thoughtful acquaintances - sceptical, not really sure of the 'agenda' as of summer 2020, have also taken on a rather rote language themselves. It is as if certain things on 'their' side cannot be said either. 

And so much of that too is from that absolute narcissism machine, their small screen (i only use mine simply to mobile hotspot tether my laptop and then only use the laptop a few hours at most to write from dawn.... then the rest of the day walking the hills seems to wash away the self obsessed UNphilosophical sugar rush they're all eating via their smartie boxes... i get sucked into too if not careful, so as a grown up, i AM! 

This thing of "i have a new expensive very expensive snazzy microphone (i.e. they're all homoerotically in love with drug munching angst ridden Joe Rogan....... who gets a bad cold and we have to hear of his huge other dominant-man, cleverdick drug treatment plan and even see film of him sniffling) ....and thus only my take on the thing even if it appears anti-authoritarian and neigh even subversive.... cannot be chipped away at.."

Is authoritarian and narcissistic when they cannot even allow a  comment questioning their take - my only one, and i am careful i trust no fancypants with a snazzy microphone... and photographed my only online comment 

Indeed, being as this comment that was put up at 9pmish last night has disappeared....well, lets see if it disappears again - this time filmed the putting up of it, now....

And in my book any 'journalist' who makes films or talks about censorship as I know Darling Dan will have at some length, and then censors a fairy sane comment ... is indeed simply progressing the 'problem' he only works to publicise, only for his own fragile little self image.....which is exactly what smartphones did to so many in the first place..... turned them all into spoiled crying little grown ups knew years ago...

No hope,  hahh hahh you're all gonna die of the Dan's if the flu dont get you....


(provisional critique i will wait a day to see if this one gets blocked too)  


ERRATA - even if my 'fault' as i cannot read minds. A later experiment putting a comment but removing the url (their system must auto block but doesnt TELL you... ) it goes in...seems to....

All other critique of all alternative media (within my videos) still valid, indeed such poor or bolshie alternative  media - i prefer to say independent/ homespun /homemade, is just as much the problem -  why we are here...and a tour in my region the last few days,  even in England, the complete wave of depression and sourness  and shuffling lifeless misery remains almost total...  this is serious and will carry on effecting the lives of many in my generation for years. In fact I think it will have all but finished us off - in the round, on the whole, as an age group in their prime, with full and content lives. Most quite clearly are in a terrible inner fugue.  I sense it is over for us for years.

So i try again  - experimentally, to see what  the supposedly democratic gatekeepers allow. I haven't commented for years on anything online, the following only ( i have ever made for years ) three comments explain why.


Please note i have not even used the 'v' word. I express no opinion though do have them. 

I have searched  - particularly this spring, for good material on it all. There is some very good material and this is one quite clearly trusted expert on a very good channel, EXCEPT for one thing..

From the very very smart VERY senior professional (i have encountered at length) lovely Rachel's channel

However - health warning even on that video..

I have a short talk on THE issue to add to this page soon - an audio of a conversation myself and good friend who is a Cambridge uni science grad...

They.....even these more balanced and excellent story telling scientists nevertheless completely miss, always, the absolute inability of THEM or even the likes of Dear Freddie of Unherd who is trying.... but fails as he doesn't understand, you CANNOT comment 'scientifically' on what started 22 months ago unless you always include top expertise on the likely psychodynamic effect of what is by far the largest instant worldwide breathlessly reported [fear] event forced deep  into the average psyche, ever...

It would not be unreasonable to state that it is quite likely that had all things been equal - same new pathogen same trajectory, but electricity and media had not been invented, far fewer infections would have gone A+E admittable...far far fewer i would bet....

In the USA where some research has been done it was stated last year categorically that after being overweight, the second most numerous  co-factor in someone in an ICU was 'stress and anxiety'.  That is a medical 'fact' The findings via research.  Via survey it is ascertained that obviously higher than in their ordinary day to day life  'stress and anxiety' are reported by  a large amount of people ending up in ICUs with a positive covid test. But it is simply impossible to ever  ever ever ascertain the cause and effect - are they there because someone who had become seriously anxious is more likely to not deal well (at home) with the symptoms of the infection? Did some even have such terrible anxiety their system was in such terrible shape already from maybe no sleep for days, panic attacks, etc etc ...self medication via drugs or booze... that the covid infection found such a weak system it managed to replicate more than average?  It is unknowable unless randomised double blind research is carried out, which means one would have to have a control group of deaf blind mutes who had been hiding in a cave for 2 years alone.  Dawkins' one great  1970s coined term,  meme, is real. 

 there is such a major real psychological aspect to almost all 'illness' which folk will argue about (now with me)  thinking an infectious agent is a binary thing - in or not in, but it is the hormonal soup that it is entering and IN never mind efficacy of the immune and other residence systems....   that define how bad you 'get it', far more so than any simply virologist or other such can ever know as they are not trained in that, and it is NOT IN THEIR INTEREST to...allow that such things are influential in disease prognosis.... not in THEIR interest....  (their professors and heads of faculty knew... ) 


very much a footnote but how interesting it may be

An experiment of sorts....

to conduct:

you have to be REALLY careful about only riffing with genuinely sound minds and non swiveleyed loons or radicals....

I am.

Nope, for so many especially now .... there is an 'agenda'  - but it is as much of the people than anyone with any actual power in that it is complete and utter lost apathy, stuckness, all interest in any form of resistance, fraud.....and the so called 'alternative' media have no soul.... are in effect pimps of something they don't even have the decency to road test it and see what it is...just robots, too. 

To work on it time - will they even engage? can sane debate be had?  On just how poor the MEDIA position throughout has been. 

it may be  interesting....

30 December 2021. Please note the homeless communist would not have his life any other way.  That is a 'personal' status opinion. Nothing to do with appraising societal truth. One gets rather tired of that rather  saccharine response to living aside.  Dawn today in my most hidden away parking spot - balmy, silent except for the owls and the wind. You cannot beat it. But also more seriously being aside of the still miserable countenances in towns and villagers is the very best way now to be and i think is going to be a necessity for some time to come so as to live the best version of life. Only thing i lack (well the dog kennel would be nice but that's nothing to do with  a base or any need for a 'home'), is three hours at one plug that i dont have to fiddle with so as to edit this page and others i play around with, nicely.  And also figure why this stupid blogpage has gone and decided to set itself to a much wider setting  - wasnt me... That takes time...