
Monday 31 January 2022

There is one more page to add. Only



Later today.

And a few things to add in to earlier posts.

Start at the beginning. This is the end.

I have a handful of folk - all very Guardian approved types,  with whom I debate. Face to face. Or rather i have spent the last 22 months trying to help them driving themselves mad "stop talking about it, you cannot influence anything and you have a personality disorder if you think you can, and anyway we are lucky to have the most gung ho Western government. For your own sake do new things, engage more deeply with people you know, and stop making us all sick in the head talking about it....or showing off trying to interpret things you are not very good on, because if you were you would every sentence preface with any new creature arising that may affect our lifecycle, and any new technology to buffer it, takes quite a few years at least to random double blind fully research'    " 

And a month ago "stop going on about 'mandates' and things you are getting off the useless internet; it is quite clear that the UK government  - or rather cabinet, or rather inner circle of the cabinet, who are mainly in charge, announce policy slowly via the Ivy League owned UK version of NPR, radio 4. Especially the last two years.. It is all totally stage managed and acted very well.  They have already started to pre announce they will for certain be dropping legal requirements for NHS workers to be vaccinated as a condition of employment [ a month ago] it will NOT happen... "

And guess who was right.

Now a lot of people one hears slightly adjusting their previous 'truth'. Thing about me is for many years i have been an extremely careful chronicler. I record a lot. Mine are recorded for posterity.

Not that there is any point for some years ever writing anything balanced about the 'pandemic'. It will take years for ....well the fundamentalists, i.e. the great majority, to wither away and be locked away in their old folks homes, too. Where they better not complain about the next overegged little bug sweeping around and causing them to be locked up......actually i dozed off last night pondering a European word "confinement"... various European cultures seem to have favoured that word. Almost scarier. As if it is something natural, like childbirth...