
Sunday 30 January 2022

29 january 2022

part of a series of as short as possible video & audio essays over a month following the rather absurd and disingenuous actions of  a neighbouring administration (wales/England - playing media politics with restrictions) which angered me on behalf of my 22 year old partying daughter. You have to start at the beginning to follow the themes developed. I didn't say anything about 2020/21 until it became so absurd i felt why not. Stand up and be counted.

The full theses are not woven together properly yet. There is a little audio to add in (into earlier posts). broken keyboard not much time to trebble check for typos yet - all a small pigs ear.  Finish off by mid feb latest. 

For any non UK reader, lefty progressive egalitarians (as i am) do not 'vote' Tory - essentially they are the same as Reaganite Republicans.  There is in all but name a two party only system in UK (unfortunately). 

DRAFT work in progress 

27 jan

29 jan part 1 of 3

pt 2 of 3

pt 3 of 3

audio only

illegal film of the same waffle in that audio to upload?....well can you trust anyone? oh it would be nice....


much more interesting

but i can't find her naked in van one,,,,minus 15 outside...most endeared me to her....

not that it was actual full nakedness; is that censored too? But her playfulness is magnificent. 

poor Joni, my fave song from 2019 - uploaded mine birthing day and the first two and a half million views are  mine..... Can i any more? I mean her songs TAUGHT us to think for ourselves. 

So, i know that in 'grief' - a whole world in grief, or the huge majority, at the partial loss of their bourgeois comforts - or more importantly the perception they are now under threat by economic meltdown etc.,, NO ONE CAN RATIONALISE. It is not possible to have rational conversation or debate with anyone in grief. Grief happens as a result of any loss - the retiree losing their many year automatic  identity from their career; the injured sportsperson who no longer can carry on their many year routines. Grief. There are only two human states - sorry the psychobabble is just that, and mature person who has been through full grief knows this, two states only: prior to any serious loss, and after some serious loss. And you do not ever really become anything other after serious loss.  The person after serious loss, be it a child, a beloved life partner, or many year identity, is never any prior state again. Grief is only ever partly 'processed', it is never absent. And anyone who states so is in dangerous denial. Or has read the wrong really crap silly yank inspired books. 

There are a range of better thoughtful analysis on various independent broadcast stations of the politics and science from 2020 on. Though i wish they would all preface every podcast or comment with "it takes at least five years to truly understand all cause and effect of any new pathogen and especially concomitant new  medical procedure"

If one trawls through episodes of the HIGHLY conservative (and progressive liberal - certainly no 'right wing' nutjobs) Heather and Brett - previously tenured professors, and trained in biological sciences,  they repeat this occasionally but in fact do not simplify their rhetoric to parrot it anything like enough - especially as it is clearly what they believe.

however what they ENTIRELY FAIL to see in even themselves is how there is a tremendous 'silver lining' in their own trajectories the last 18 months. A year ago, even two months ago their performance behind the microphone was slightly wishy washy. A bit hammy at times. That is understandable as they were under fairly considerable 'risk'  - losing their income, maybe attacks on professional reputation that may have consequences. 

However it is notable the last few weekly livecasts their rhetoric has entered a new better phase. I personally would find them rather dull and lifeless and it all forced. Watching occasionally as a fairly trusted source of the medical corporate politics. (disagreeing entirely with their endless medicalisation of everything - a supplements for this that and the other - "get out in the ferkin SUN and sweat"!

But even they are stuck in misery mode. They did a grown up thing, they took a risk a year ago, 18 months ago, to attempt to share the scientifically sceptical viewpoints. They had sleepless nights. They fretted. And guess what, as a result of that genuine baptism of fire, in time, my, my they even became great rhetoricians and broadcasters these last few weeks. There is ALWAYS some side effect of taking a truly brave stance - risking almost all, and keeping to what you know to be true due to long hard scholarship and work. It all enhanced them. I would call them now these last few episodes truly great alive broadcasters.

 So i wish they would stop playing the pity card. But still especially the last 3 or 4 episodes they have let go and are telling it like it is... f words inclusive.

Bret and Heather 112th DarkHorse Podcast Livestream: The Scramble to Protect the Elites